Bikie Gang.
The sexy look is teaming the office pencil dress with the naughty bikie jacket and bring on the bling!, arms, fingers, neck, I'm saying pile it on to give yourself that naughty but nice ensemble.
As for footing. Any pump or peep toe heel will be suffice! but don't scream, 'look at my feet'. The attention must remain with the little naughty jacket.
Steer clear from teaming up the bikie jacket with tights, if you have east and west happening down there.
Style rating: mid length bikie jacket - " Standing Ovation"
Love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E.
fashion queen
I'm addressing the 'tanning culprits'. Please, please, please!, since when did it ever become acceptable to 'over tan?'.
As I enter the sunny side of our world, I am greeted with a flooding combination of all shades of 'tans'. From crispy bacon shades, to melon balls, and orange peels, and don't forget the broken up forms of shades.....
' Tan in moderation'... meaning, don't over do it......... tanning is not like accesories, where you can overload and unload. If anything, peel back the layer darlings... and allow your own 'naturaaaaaal' colour to expose.
The ugliest sight before my eyes, a lass clad in a red uniform type garment ( pencil ensemble), and peeps of 'over embellished tanning'!!!, she looked like a walking hot dog.
If you must tan, then at least ask a fashionista for an opinion, or to at least tell you when to stop and look at yourself.
Style rating - "walking out"
Love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E. queen
Definately not out of the ordinary to see the fashion language be spoken in the form of so called 'body language'. Seated in my front row usual, my eyes would be be speaking the fashion tongue in top speed!.
Not long ago whilst attending a so called fashion extravaganza , which I'm sure the hosts thought to be 'la chic' , but to me was 'la bor - bor - boring'. My eyes were cast in every this that way direction in critical discretion...........need I say more that moi, Madam Alexandra E. was not impressed, not even when Model X, entered the arena, clad in the most wantable and loveable gladiator style wrap me up and love me heels.
Cross legged, and arms imitating the same, my body spoke a thousand thoughts of fashion tongue.
So fashion lovers, sometimes, you don't need to utter a single pip squeek of a sound to voice your fashion opinion, actions speaks louder than words, and yet can't be held against you, because it's all an illusion based on assumption........
style rating - 'fashion tongue':'standing ovation'
Love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E.
fashion queen
My fashionista eyes saw a plethora of fashion no no's. Whilst out in my style heels, chinking the champers with fellow fashionites, I was working overtime, analysing, and absorbing the sea of mini cocktail garments teamed with opaque black tights and heels of all sights.
Agreeable that the tight and heel thing is completely accepted and in during this era, in this moment of fashion time. But overload and overbearing was the exact words on my mind on this frightful tights night!
Be fashion independent is what I am declaring and bestowing my fashion wisdom on all the fashion lovers. Although it is good to blend amongst the fashion crowd, don't blend to the point where you become boring.
Open up your fashion minds, and be creative. Ignore the cold weathers and daringly step out without the tights for a change. Especially when the do, is a fashion must for all diva's.
Style rating: Opaque tights worn under mini cocktails for a big gala event - 'Smirk'
Love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E.
fashion queen

If the fashion houses are too late on providing this staple piece to their fashion followers, then take heed to my fashion tongue, bring out your cape creation for next cold climate.
Yes, yes capes may have already flown high in the fashion arena, but I can see it's revival in a big way!. My fashion prediction tells me shores such as the land of Oz, have yet to embrace the cape phenomenon.
My eye for fashion, can see capes with wonderfully odd embellished clasps and chains. Statement capes is the new furore.
Oh what a wonderful sight this will be! so bold and frivolous, teamed with your staple pant and away my dears, fly fashion forward!.
Style rating:
Capes - " Standing ovation"
Love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E.
fashion queen
P.S. To the fashion house: Embellish me a scarf whilst you're at it.

Like placing the cherry on top of a finished pie. Mr N.P and his oh so colour palettes have created finishing looks for he and she fashion lovers world over.
Bold, and rare is Mr N.Ps choice of intelligence in colours. Unlocking the hidden desires to play with colours, every fashionista dared to swipe on the hint of pink, purple, green and blue and all colours of the rainbow, just because Mr N.P says so.
Extending his foot offshores, is the greatest leap Mr N.P has taken, clever PR in his department I would say, but more so the talent is too obvious to say that it was just a marketing machine at play.
I must confess, amongst my bag of choice, somewhere deep within the ruins of phones, keys, and all things ladylike, I find my trusty mosaic blush for the day and pat, pat, pat away.
It appears to be completely in fashion to know of the Napoleon name. A fashion trend still climbing to the top.
Style rating:
Napoleon Perdis makeup - 'Bravo'
Love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E. fashion queen

She has compelled me to address the issue about tweens who dress beyond their age, if anything, dressing in noone's age. Call the fashion police and their mom's/ mum's please.
Who on earth would allow their mini me's to venture the streets clad in cheap and nasty attire?, most likely the folks are not aware or just don't care.
Fashion is a statment yes!, but not when you declare it in bad taste. I understand these young things want to be individual and create a moment in time of their own taste. But please honey, you're asking to be classified in the department of give me $5 for a shake, if you don't shake your nasty fashion habit.
It completely confuses my fashion palette to comprehend why on earth these tweens bend to this low, when the magazines circling their inner circle surely are not displaying the little handkerchief skirt and teatowel top?.
On this day, I am stern, and serious, because Madam Alexandra E. would never approve of young fashion lovers baring next to nothing and think they have just created fashion, more like just creating a sight for sore eyes.
Thankfully, there is still high hopes for these bad taste fashion lover tweens, as the mind ages, the fashion taste does also, just hoping in good taste.
Style rating:
Tweens clad in next to nothing - 'curling my lips' & 'No comment'
On this occasion a double opinion is a must!
Love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E. fashion critic. fashion queen
P.S. For the mature fashion lovers? Please don't bother wearing mini's once you've peaked 35? . Let me put it politely, pushing a pram dressed in a mini and midriff screams, 'cheap and nasty mom/mum alert'. Unless you're supermodel gened then honey save them for another generation.

Cheng and Choo

How fashion creative is this fashion house?. Vivien Cheng infamously revives arm candy accessories.
Vintage is what I call it, never refer to it as second hand, it makes you sound and look cheap. Vintage glamour in its own right.
Exciting and new concept, something almost too good to be discovered and shared.
To have possession of a Vivien Cheng creations, you would be stamped with a tick of approval for an eye for rare and unique fashion standouts, but not exactly glamourous or stunning. Wouldn't take months to acquire, like that of the 'power fashion houses', instead a click and skip to the station and you should be swinging one home.
Although not exactly high end in the market of brands, Vivien Cheng and her vintage little things sit somewhere amongst my trove of things
I personally prefer the Choo's and the Chloe's, but am entitled to be flexible in my fashion taste.
Style rating:
Vivien Cheng - 'Bravo'
Love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic. fashion expert. fashion queen
Chk Chk Cheap

In the famous slang of Madam Alexandra E. I declare - "Chk Chk Cheap!"
Although she looks rather tv worthy, not leaning towards the ugly department of things. She at least gives some form of fashion credit to the other aspiring bogans. I think if anything, she is the cream of the crop if you pick her from the Bogan Bunch.
Maybe there is fashion hope for the Bogan community after all. If so called Chk Chk Boom chick is a bogan eye candy, then she might give some fashion lift to her fellow 'boganites'.
Smart girl for weaving the camera in her direction, I guess everyone has a dream... the big man up in the sky thought she's done her stint and now deserves her well granted wish.
Upon five minutes of fame, Miss Chk Chk Boom might say "Ching Ching K'ching $$"
Style rating:
Chk Chk Boom chick - 'smile'
P.S. My lacquer tells me, she's harmless, and might just stick around for more than five minutes.
Love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic. fashion expert. fashion queen

Generally clad in ill fitting, loose hanging garments, 'he specie' was whipped up into a clean, modern average beast.
'He specie' is rather small in stature, small in width and well, just small.
PS. On very rare occasions do I, Madam Alexandra E. gives any tick of approval, but when fashion wanna be apprentices attempt to transform themselves to become a fashion lover, then I can at least acknowledge their efforts, "kiss, kiss darling".
Love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E.
Ga Ga Goo

Ga Ga Goo!, Goochi Goochi Ga Ga. If I'm not mistaken the infamous Lady Ga Ga, may have just created her own baby Ga Ga language. Oops, I should stop giving her ideas to start her own baby fashion line of 'bub' leotards.
Smart cookie the Ga Ga, she has reinvented, rearthed and re - dug the "weird, skimpy and space cadet look'!.
Ga Ga says her fashion is 'art', Madam Alexandra E. calls it " antics", not too fashionable for my liking.
Heeled high on my fashion throne, I shall pronounce the Ga Ga as a smart little cookie, who has diverted a majority of her famous ability from vocal to fashion " if we must call it that".
I personally call it 'smart marketing' if all else should fail she at least has something of a fashion 'thing' to fall back on. We might all be so lucky to stick around and watch her reinvent the 'g-strong', 'thong', 'dental floss', 'wedge'.
Thumbs up though, to Ga Ga, who has managed to pull of a fashion image which only other 'stardom' individuals could possibly pull off. It looks like Hollywood has gone Ga Ga.
Style rating:
leotard Ga Ga - 'curling my lips'
love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E.
fashion expert. fashion queen