Click click.. right mousy click... to the fashion webby of Grbac http://www.juligrbac.com.au/. Underneath extra large Christian Dior eye candies... I cast upon a wish wash of airy fairy creations. (Princess) J.Grbac, her latest S/S 2010 collection didn't really do much to stir the fashion pot..... I graciously tap my M. Blahnik heels in unison.. just to give Grbac a small fashion approval, because it's 'oh so pretty', and makes me feel like tip toeing delicately.


My fashion tongue believes little Tavi is merely a teen-tween exploring her innate ability to play 'dress ups' with older persons clothes!!!! Only a 13 year old stylista could pull off such a fashion blasphemy ... can one imagine if a random was to walk down the fashion streets with 'guitar straps' styled as head pieces, cut out newspaper strips and clag glued them onto our dads white business shirts ... that just maybe in the faintest fashion main stream.. that we would be hailed as a little fashionista come Anna Wintour?? I can snap my clutch tote shut and declare that in no fashion time would this happen, instead we'll probably be subjected to psycho analysis tests ... and dubbed 'insane in the fashion brain!, la la la la la"
I must declare at the top of my fashion voice that Tavi is definitely singing a tune of her own in the fashion stakes of todayness ( if there is such a word... oh well, there is now). Miss Tavi looks so much like a little old lady in a little body - so cute, yet the face speaks 'fashion wiseness (once again my own fash. language) beyond her years.
Waving to Tavi from my fashion throne ... bravo little deary for creating a fashion buzz, now go back and do your homework! xoxo
To my colleagued stylistas and fashionistas who have booed and bogged down poor little Tavi by declaring, "what is the big deal about Tavi?" - well the big deal is, little Tavi has already cemented her fashion position within the 'fashion savvy world' - so where in the world are you??? Jealous I suppose??? Please just let her play dress ups ... in peace.
Style rating: Tavi Gevinson - Bravo (loving it, air kisses all around)
Love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen
Fashion Forward Friday - "Easton Pearson, fashion flaring pair"

Fashion Forward Friday is flapping it's homage to the Brisbane fashion duo 'Easton Pearson'!
Moi, was feeling excited and elated... because up until now I have never really lent towards the fashion offering's of this fashion flaring pair. Maybe because they serve up their fashion to such a select fashion group... those who like the 'loud and proud' effect, with bold canvas like print fabrics...... reminds me very much like a modernised version of the 'Ken Done' era.. except, no Koala's and gala's here.... no only just big pineapples jutting out of the front door signage panel of the exhibition?!

Truly a breathtaking fashion effect! Truly a showcasing of fashion in 'art form'. Any fashionista & stylista would have loved the 'up close and personal' effect... I had the pleasure of weaving endlessly between each garments, casting my fashion eyes on the immense detailing and lux textiles created by this fashion flaring pair. The only fashion music one could hear, would have to be the 'click clacking' of my heels and other heels of fashionista's just saviouring the fashion moment.
Gleefully sashaying out of the exhibition with arm candy in tote!
Fashion Forward Friday - "EMERGE" V's "TRUE EMERGE"
follow the fashion campaign logo.
This week to my fashion lover followers, I begin sewing my fashion threads on a certain 'Big' fashion campaign staged by the very own Brisbane Queen Street Mall ( Brisbane Marketing).
This so called fashion marketing success subsided a few weeks ago, but alas, I absolutely love airing my fashion thoughts after the hype and busy bodyness has died down. I believe the 'fashion truths' only begin to unveil and rear its bad fashion taste after we sip over champers with our fellow fashion buds and discuss our real fashion thoughts.
And so, here I go........... 'Follow the Fashion' is what they have hailed as a fashionable campaign aimed at 'emerging' designer/ 'aspiring' designers to be given a career break of a life time: 'to own a boutique with six months rent free!!! in one of Brisbane's well to do and well known fashion precincts.... ( sorry no free blitz advertising sing outs here). Yippee! ( I presume all budding designers would have thought).
Initially underneath my oh so Christian Dior shades I thought..... 'fantastic!, wow, muaw muaw darlings to finally helping our poor little 'emerging' designers. This was definately a fashionable foot stepping forward on behalf of Queensland. But alas, like all good things, there is always a catch of some sort, or should I dare snare.... a fashion flaw!
Whilst it was all in good fashion taste to market the campaign as benefitting emerging designers and to "launch your own fashion design career" ( as flash played on the home page of follow the fashion webby)...I found out, upon careful observation or should I say 'fashion investigation snooping' that this was not necessarily stylishly correct.
The term "emerging" was used fashionably loose ( hence possibly their marketing slogan 'let loose', because I think they did very much so 'let loose' the term 'emerging') by the marketers of this campaign. For those who are 'fashion forward in the fashion tongue language' the word emerging could, would and should mean - "coming into existence" / "become known" / "come out into view".

After culling through the final five shortlisted fashion label contestants ( Akko, Ma'at, Berserk Clothing, White Sands and Blanc + Delta), to my stylish dismay, I discovered that most if not all of the above in my eyes were quite fashionably already established or already 'emerged' as designers. Swearing on my 'french tips' I think they were or had already "become known, come out into view and definatley come into existence'! Except of course for the fashion fact that they all didn't have a 'free standing' boutique/ shop for patrons to virtually enter.. except for an online existence. P.S. ( the winning entry I must admit did display winning designs... but that is entirely beside the point of this review)
Pardon me if I'm too un-stylish in this matter, but as one opens up the wonderful Follow the Fashion virtual site the term "launch your own fashion design career' flashes up..... correct me if I am wrong, but.... is it not true to say or at least assume that the five above fashion finalists have already launched their fashion design careers?............., in my eyes when you market the term "launch you own fashion design career' I immediately think of fashion entrants who are fresh from the cusps of fashion..... who are about to burst their fashion creativity for all to see... they have been hidden in our nook and cranny's of underground society, having no online existence or such of the sort.
In my fashion opinion, many of the five finalists have very established websites, more so than that of 'well to do' existing designers of our society. Adjusting my Jimmy straps, I soon discovered that many of the final entrants had already become a name in their own right... having stockists brimming from everywhere, and with one entrant stocking in our very own 'mother' department store David Jones, Australia wide!!!!!!!!!.
Cough cough and wagging my fashion gossip tongue! putting all politeness aside.... I declare, that stocking in David Jones Australia wide is not what you call EMERGING!!!!! Emerging does not mean you have stockists and have already appeared press wise in 'oh' so scaled up fashion publications such as Grazia and the likes to name a few!
I was under the impression that the entrants would have literally been 'raw' fresh up and coming, genuine 'emerging designers', who are slightly 'Poor'( little or no money in ones purse) with no high tech savvy websites and certainly no established stockists deals.
To my amusement we were all so quick and proud to announce that the winner of this campaign had already received a large order from the lovely Miss Jennifer Hawkins, and that she had worn one of the existing garments already on that 'model' t.v show thing. This lead me to believe in suspicion... how can you call this emerging????.
In my debatable fashion tongue, I shout aloud that this label has already emerged for heavens sake! I believe that once you have dressed a celebrity favourite such as that of Miss Jennifer ( favourite fashion face) then you have literally climbed many mountains already and will pretty much skip yourself back home. If anything you have emerged past emerging darling. You are probably quite successful ( this a compliment dear from me to you xoxo).
Of course I am not slamming the entrants or the winner in terms of their talents or designs... I am merely addressing the 'fashion truth' that the campaign was titled or defined incorrectly... the term 'emerge' and the statement "launch your fashion design career" should have been left in the wardrobe. But I guess the entrants themselves wouldn't be complaining, if anything they have all been given a free ride on a free fashion marketing campaign ( k'ching, k'ching $$).
My fashion sense tells me, it would have been more fashion worthy, to launch a campaign which identified a 'true' emerging designer. A 'true' emerging designer who is struggling from financial support, web support, marketing support, manufacturing support and stockists support etc... to name just a few fashion symptoms suffered by a 'true' emerging designer. Provide this 'true emerging' designer with all of the above fashion industry support and then we truly have a successful fashion campaign set out to 'really' help out our poor and struggling 'fashion ducklings'.
Can you imagine the complete standing ovation and fashion elation that a 'true' emerging fashionista would be feeling if the Queen Street Mall gave them a store?.... I can just picture it already... a real 'rags to fashion trade' dream come true campaign.
I am always nodding my fashion agreeance towards those who genuinely support the existence and survival of fashion young things who just simply want to be given the opportunity to 'slip their foot into the right shoe'.
But alas, like all fashion queen's I will give my 'fashion approval' to the creative side of this campaign... the idea of voting on virtual shopfronts... was true fashion forward genius, the site itself was clever and of course easy to navigate my fashion lippy around. So kiss kiss darling to a great creative effect. P.S maybe in the next campaign focus on the student designers?... the ones who have come out bursting full of creative and talent hunger???( wink wink).
A complimentary chink of my wine glass goes towards the organiser's for at least helping the 'already emerged' and 'pre - established' designer entrants to at least have their extra 'five minutes' of fashion fame. Although a big fashion no no must be extended to the organiser's for leaving out the 'true' not yet 'emerged' designers.
Back to my yoga session darling xoxo.
Style rating : Follow the Fashion campaign - Applaud
Love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen