JASMINE & WILL - nautical and natural blends, soothing my fashion soul

"Come away with me" is the title for the much anticipated Spring/ Summer 2010- 2011 collection for the dynamic design duo, Jasmine&Will. A family team consisting of an aunt ( Kaye Williams ) and a niece (Jasmine Linsday ).. created from the need to allow women to feel 'non - cluttered' in her sense of dress.

The collection instantly 'soothes' my being, taking away the need for on demand trends and substituting it with a craving for all things 'fuss - free', 'simple' & 'airy'. Its uncomplicated blend of nautical with natural is the perfect compliment to this craving.

Every now and again my fashion yearnings long for the need to escape... escape from the hustle bustle of 'beading's, embellishments and eclectic colours of all things busy and shiny... ( only every now and again, because I am still 'all of the above' in heart xo).. and instead, slip into a slow and simple motion, but still maintaining that constant need to be immersed in fashion...this is when the collection of "Come away with me" by Jasmine & Will satisfies this need.

I simply love how their collection presents in a very carefree mode.. the girl/ lady who lives in the non - hurried cycle of life, and even if she does slip into the city pace.. her style is still the absolute opposite. Likened to the comparison of lounging around, the transition from slipping out from your comfort zone ( bed ), to sipping on chai teas and lattes in a social setting... this season, the collection from 'Jasmine & Will' is just that xx.

Enjoy this collection. Images courtesy of the Jasmine & Will team.
"Come away with me" will be available in October...... only one sleep away lovelies. xo.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E.(k)

ROOPA PEMMARAJU - destination : Australia.

Roopa Pemmaraju

Close your eyes and take yourself to a place of endless luxury and class... a destination of exotic flavours that one could only taste through the exquisite light textile creations from a Roopa Pemmaraju design.

Born from a world of Asian mythological influences and beautiful ancient beliefs, coupled with an educated creative mind ( from India & her studio base in Melbourne, Australia), Roopa Pemmaraju, is a designer who has her sights set firmly on conquering the Australian fashion ( resort wear ) industry. She is by no means a stranger to the fashion design circuit, but she is an exceemingly fresh breed of fashion creative on the Australian fashion scene.. one to watch.... closely xo.

Ambitious and completely 'not' lacking in her vision for her label, Roopa Pemmajaru will capture the style habits of all the women whom she believes is reminiscent of the Roopa Pemmajaru lady'; a lady who is "well travelled, educated and slightly nomadic by nature, she is a free spirit and very confident in her own skin. She is interested in fashion, but does not slavishly follow trends". ( I am enticed and confidently in love with her vision already....xx)

Her presence is already firmly cemented in parts of the global fashion playground, where only one would dream of playing in ( Hong Kong, Dubai, India, United States of America).. and now she has teased Australia with some of her indulgent swimwear/ resort wear creations.

Her current collection titled "Beach Goddesses" transcends from a place of fantastical and awe inspiring Asian mythological dreams... so captivating are her creations, it almost.. bashfully, takes my breath away. Simply effortlessly beautiful and rich in nature, are the first words that come to mind.

With exquisite prints and textiles, in colour palettes that clearly shy away from 'trend setting, come - and - go moments' but instead, displaying a high level of luxurious infinity. ( I love it xo).

Debuting at this years RAFW ( Rosemount Australian Fashion Week), Roopa Pemmaraju, come this Spring / Summer will be draping all the women of this world who have defined exquisite indulgent habits and tastes for fine offerings. xoxo.

Australia, embrace yourselves, for I believe, a new Goddess of resort wear has arrived at her destination xo.

Enjoy the images my dear readers xo. The Beach Goddess collection can be found in stores by September... now, in actual fact.


Images: RAFW

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (K)

Breathtakingly, effortless...xx

Clearly,.. this is my favourite xx.

Love indeed...


Mirror Mirror agencies launched its 'personable' motto to the creative lovers of Brisbane last night. Its models depicting the notion that "personality" trumps over "looks"... not to say that the MM recruits were lacking in looks, but one could certainly see the difference from MM Models to that of a Ford ( U.S ) or Viviens ( Aus) breed of model ( I am not insinuating anything... do not make an assumption please....)

The Mirror Mirror agencies concept, is I guess no different to the debate of 'naturally full bodied women , over the slimmer versions'. Their concept instead, is beauty based on 'personality' ( So I guess, you could be as stunning as Miranda Kerr or Agyness Deyn, but unless you have the words 'Please & Thank - you in your vocabulary, then MM just might not recruit you... I wonder how they screen this process of selecting 'personable models?'... it must be a given talent of reading 'personality intuition' that Mr T.N has.... xx.)

Back to the event;
Guests were treated to a drama/ theatrical creative type dance display.... I found the experience to be 'different', 'unique', 'un-pretentious' and certainly not what one would expect to pay witness to at a fashion / modelling event. The MM playground was vibrant & youthful and the set up was 'large'.. they definately drew an impressive crowd of 'fashion appreciators'.... all in support of this one mans dream and concept.

The creative dance act......
When we think of a 'fashion event/ parade' we immediately think of something classy, upstream and well... NYC? or Sydney Rosemount type?... MM gave me the impression that they are far from any of that, and instead.. they are setting out to 're-shape' the modelling industry, by creating this niche, artsy, creative presentation infused with modelling..xx. (Creative make-up artistry & Lady Ga Ga inspired head pieces)

It's beautiful that Mr Tin N. has this vision to market modelling as personality and that he has created a reason for the young and unique to come out and embrace this 'modelling evolution'. As natural as the concept may sound, it truly also has its taboo thoughts and opinions.

Bravo to MM and its Director for bringing out the very YOUNG and FRESH ( young, because last night was brimming with young creative lovers ), I support those who are setting out to create 'impact and input' into the Australian fashion & beauty industry..... correction; in MMs case, Australian fashion and 'personality' industry xo. I would have to say, that Mr Tin N. is indeed ambitious and just loving the industry completely.

Overall, the experience was different & mixed, there were moments when it appeared to be a rehearsal of the event, but in actual fact, it was the event.... but I just lay this down to the fact that MM was once again being 'down to earth' and natural in all their conceptual ways.....xo

The evening was great! xo.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E.(k)

Mark Neighbour - Master of Ceremonies

Hmmm... a giant gesture of love and appreciation from MM's models to their Director... xo

The Director of MM, the man himself, Mr Tin N.