MEN'S STYLE: Dressing Sharp in the world of NR

A bit of an easy read for the Friday ride home... continuing from my new section in Madam AE; Men's style, this week I turn to one of my friends Nick R. (NR) and ask him to lend his personal opinion and style advice to the fashionable 'homme'. He is not a fashion designer nor is he in the fashion industry, but he is a man who believes in dressing the right way, so I asked him to pen a post about his thoughts on men's fashion and style.

A quick excerpt on NR......he's known to other's as a part - time deal maker ( aka closer), and to those who have seen his style, a full - time fashion enthusiast.  NR is never one to be seen with putting the wrong foot forward, or pardon, I should say... never seen with putting the wrong shoe on nor without the well tailored blazer or the well fitted ensemble. He is a well dressed man, because attention to detail is his forte.. almost a habit of such, with a natural meticulous need to wear every outfit well. Whether it is kicking back on a casual weekend, or suiting it up for a vip invite, he lives up to his own style mantra; of 'Dressing Sharp'

Far from being a pretentious 'style snob', his particular need and way to dress is the standard of a modern man; someone who simply likes to look good, feel good and wear it good :). This habit of dress may not be the choice for some, however I say, it doesn't hurt to take on the style tips from those who do fashion well xx.

So here are some words of advice about 'Dressing Sharp, in the world of NR :) '.......

I am not a fashion guru, nor do I consider myself to have the in - depth knowledge of a GQ editor, or experts from other men's fashion magazines. But over the years I have learnt how to shop for myself and judge what clothes fit me, and what outfit's I can wear in the 'real' world on an everyday basis, and at the same time to look sharp. Which leads me to lend my opinion about how important I believe it is, to Dress Sharp.

Dressing sharp can often be mis- interpreted as wearing very plush and cushy items with the big price tag. I am here to say; this is not the case. Dressing sharp does not necessarily mean putting on that $3000 labelled bespoke suit or even blindly  walking in the foot steps of the on - trends. I interpret Dressing Sharp, to wearing well fitted clothes according to your physique. In other word's, what may look good on a mannequin or on a runway model, may not necessarily look good on you.
Dressing sharp is all about the details of  how you put an outfit together and how each piece fits  and sits on you. A $2000 suit may look like a $200 suit if not worn and fitted well, and same; a $200 suit can look like a $2000 suit, because it fits well according to your body type and build. As someone once said; "The clothes don't wear you, you wear the clothes".

NR  - in a blue blazer & sky blue pant ( custom designed by NR)
{"My personal theory is; dressing sharp is your ability to sense the occasion, no matter what the dress code is. Dressing sharp is not about investing inside your wardrobe as though it is going to earn you high returns, instead, it is about investing in some effort and extra time in your presentation and most of all carrying a bit of confidence, once you feel good in your outfit, you'll carry it well, and in turn, you will look good in your outfit" - NR }.
NR. ( Nick R.)
So there it is!  the lesson to be learnt about dressing sharp, from my friend NR:) .

To all the Male Madam AE reader's, recognise your own personal style, and don't compromise on your comfort either. Whether it is dressing up, dressing down, dressing sharp or just to dress; the key is to wear it well and add your own persona to it... and not to wear it, simply because you've seen it worn well on another. Be confident, be yourself, put the right shoe on..... and if you want... pop the collar! :) xx
Kim T.
Madam AE xx