Fashion : on a personal note

Happy mid week! .... past the Monday - itis and nearly approaching the Friday - fun :)

I very rarely post up pictures of myself, as I prefer to keep my blog about my love for personal fashion review.  But this year, with the new look of Madam AE,  I will be mixing up the style and feel of the blog with some random personal pictures of myself and some out and abouts.  I will also introduce reviews on  South Asian  fashion and profiles. Based in Australia, and my love for fashion review,  I think a fresh pair of eyes on such international designs allows us to understand and appreciate all genres and influences on fashion xx whether it's fashion from the U.S, or Australia... to the Madness of Mumbai, my fashion thoughts are never limited ................... xx

Look out for my next post soon on U.S. based, saree designer Noureen Dhanani.......

In the mean time.. this is me and my lovely friend Kelly, kicking up our heels on a Saturday evening :) ... I'm wearing one of my all time favourite Australian labels; 'Witchery'... I  love this dress, during the Summer I team it with open toe heels, and for Winter the classic closed point kitten heel brings about a classic feel.

Kelly ( left ) and I ( in Witchery dress :) ) xx