Men's Style : Quality over Quantity

 Dressing well on a budget is not a hard process and does not have to be costly. Here are some tips for Men who want to look sharp without breaking the bank account.

1. Contrast your Clothes: "an important tip in dressing well or sharp". Your
top should contrast your trouser and shoes, avoid symmetry color on color, e.g. black shirt, black dress pants and black shoes will give you a very generic look. Experiment your look with some elegant slim khaki shorts or pants with a dark blue or brown shirt or polo.

2. Dressing the Jean :  When the temperature cools off, you can still wear your t-shirt's ( V-necks are the recommended style )  with a nice pair of jeans, paired with a blazer or a nice cardigan.  The darker the gradient of colour in your jeans, the dressier your ensemble/outfit should be. Personally I would avoid the TORN OR RIPPED JEANS style. Jeans, if matched correctly can be the perfect social clothing approach.

3. Accessories:  Men's accessories can make an outfit stand out and pop, choose the right accessories but don't 'over accessorize'. Excessive accessorizing can 'depreciate' the look of your style. Instead, stick to the bare minimum, such as a nice watch, a bracelet and or nice ring. Go for quality over quantity.

4. Quality or Quantity: "Quality clothing lasts longer", so don't sacrifice quality for quantity. Before you spend or splurge on new items for you wardrobe, look in your closet for some basic pieces that you already own, and dress around those items. You may have a black blazer which is a timeless and versatile piece of clothing. Several key pieces such as the black blazer or a solid navy or gray suit, pair great with a variety of shirt and tie combinations.  Basic key items will help you get the most value out of your attire.

There is a wide range of choices when it comes a to man's 'clothing on budget'. Dont' be scared to shop at outlets or sale options. At times you may find a piece of clothing that will fit really well at an outlet store or on a sales rack.

"Overall, as I always say; looking good and dressing  well is not about the cost of the clothes on your back but about your attitude and how you carry it off" - NR.


{This week; our resident voice on Men's style (NR), lends his frank opinion about dressing on a budget and dressing without breaking your budget. His point is; every man can look and dress well, regardless of  whether he has a budget or not.}

Kim T.
Madam AE xx