New York City - My Mary Poppins bag at 5.30am

Hello New York City...      What does one do, when they are experiencing jet lag?  Begin by sorting the contents in her bag..

I've just landed a few hours ago from a very long flight into New York City.  By body clock is telling me it's 7.30pm Australia time, yet my brain is telling me it's 5.30am NY time.. and sleep is  borderline on my mind yet not.

So I'm discovering what exactly did I throw together into my handbag, in my haste to the airport...
So far, I have found my favourite Christian Dior Lipstick for the evenings, Susan Posnick lipstick for my day wear, a few watches??? a woman can never have enough watches.. I guess..x  My Chanel eye colour palette and some loose accessories, from Mimco and Witchery combined, and then there is my cropped black leather jacket, which I travel everywhere with.

So far it looks good, but I think there's more.  It's kind of like when Mary Poppins digs deep into her big carpet bag and she just continues to pull out one thing after another..... I have to admit  my bag is that way inclined also.

Off to catch a few hours of rest.. before Times Square wakes up :)

Kim T.
Madam AE xx