SS 010 collection of Mr Marc Jacobs for MARC! Need I say more?????, the colour palette is fresh, vibrant... deliiiiiiiiiiiiiciously candy like... Candy infused from the 40's , 50's etc.. combination a la carte fashion!!!
Madam Alexandra E. is ooooohhhhing and ahhhhing over the strappy colour candy foot forms!!!!! Love... Would love to grab a pair for XMAS!!!. Move over the Choo's for now.xoxo.
Ignoring the BIG BOWS... at the moment.... but hey if you're daring... pull the complete look off, if you want to!! FASHION CONFIDENCE....LUXE .
Style rating: MARC by Marc Jacobs SS/010 collection - BRAVO ( Loving it, air kisses all around)
P.S. Where is Australia's own MARC JACOBS?????????
Love me or hate me
Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion stylist.fashion queen