So befitting with the whole revived, reworked and rebirthed VINTAGE craze, the Chanel 2.55 would look stunningly, breathtakingly fashionably stylish on any fashionista.
The Frenchy color combination is my pick of the moment!... loving the triple effect flap style xoxo. My critic tongue can so speak of it being teamed with a pair of fave jeans and Sky high pumps.. soho, boho eclectic sunnies.. mish mashed bed head styled hair.. that looks effortlessly unstyled..( but really has been styled). teaming it with a singlet tight as an unbbreathable T!,and and if swinging for the evening???. throw on a cropped style jacket with shoulder pads to the left and right!!.... ooohhh and swinging stylishly with the 2.55'er! mwah xoxo.. street smacking style indeed.
So fashion lovers, fashion haver's.... put aside your side strapping elongated hippy style bag forms... and adopt a more classic and classy effect.... something you can just hang aimlessly on your hand... as though you were raising a champagne flute!....

further info, search : Decades two
& Bag snob.
Style rating: Chanel 2.55 - Bravo ( loving it, air kisses all around)
Love me or hate me
Madam Alexandra E.(k)
fashion critic