As we prepare to embrace the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day festivities, I would like to wish all my Madam AE. readers a very Merry Christmas for 2010, and may you all celebrate in moderation... that is.... moderately sip on your egg nog and champers, cocktails or mocktails, moderately drape yourself in something that won't fall off you from the joyous silly season that I'm sure you will be displaying of yourself, moderately choose a pair of comfy foot forms, but don't jeopardise or upset the balance of the style too much..... xo and stand under the mistle toe in moderation.. xoxo.

Merry Christmas fasion lovers..... I shall return in the New Year! xo

Kim T.
Madam AE xx


 Arm candy heaven in the land of Carmen Steffens - Brazilian beauty encased in a bag!

Madam Alexandra E. (K)


 I'm not sure about you, but when I first set my eyes on these luxury foot forms I instantly fell in love with them! xo. ( a stirring of the heart, when style succumbs and overwhelms you.. a numbness...)

Exquisite materials (leather, leather and leather), design and style.  Carmen Steffens is the new quiet achiever in the land of the luxury.  The label stems from the land of the hot, tanned and fabulously sensual beings of.... BRAZIL.

Epitomising nothing but style and grace, each design flatters all those pedicured toes xoxo.  I absolutely love the 'pop' of colour in the summer style sandals! xx. Completely befitting for the sunny climate of Australia.

Already embedded in stylish reputation in parts of the world of North America, South America, Europe, Africa and coming soon Asia ( Japan ).  Already with one store in Canberra ( Australia ), I am terribly surprised and extremely disappointed that Carmen Steffens cannot be found anywhere else in Australia!! ( what kind of fashion faux pas is this!!??? )

I predict that this luxury label, is teetering on the edge of shifting the Australian needs in stylish foot forms. From stencilled designs, to intricate gem and stone embellishments to playful popping colour palettes... there is something about the Carmen Steffens designs which makes my stylish heart skip with joy! xo.

In the next week... leading up to Xmas (Christmas), I will be displaying a series of designs, from footwear, bags and something for the male form all from Carmen Steffens.  So stay tuned, and in the mean time appreciate the latest Spring / Summer 2011 campaign from Carmen Steffens... all the way from sizzling Brazil xo.

Madam Alexandra E. (k)


 Hopping onto the 'maxi' phenomenon yet again this year. Maxi dresses are terribly in.... terribly to the meaning of 'excessively'.  Falling prey to this need to wear something sweeping, lengthy and feminine ( but in a care-free sense), I too have invested in a few key maxi pieces but only enough so to take me through those sun drenched days when likened to slipping into a pair of jeans to that of throwing over an effortless, zipless and sometimes strapless maxi dress....... xoxo.

Don't go overboard with this investment, just feed your wardrobes with 3 to 4 key pieces of maxis ( skirt or dress ).

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
Images: courtesy of Regina Garde (Maxi collection)


Alexi Freeman, a designer who is clearly bursting with alluring creativity.  Moulding to the needs of the feminine form, Alexi Freeman is the answer to women who want to feel, look and maintain a sense of sensual and sexual femininity without conforming to the placid and over rated trends. The designs of Alexi Freeman are neither classic or classy, but instead, modern, bold and stylish.

In his original existence, Alexi Freeman was an artist.. ( if I may say so, he is still an artist, in epic fashionable proportions.) and somewhere along this artistic journey, he tapped into the inevitable present existence, in which he thrives in today as, creator, designer and creative director of his self confessed ladies label; Alexi Freeman. He was able to discover the connection between his original association to art, with his present love for fashion.... and simply brought them both to life.

His designer journey compares similar to the notion of 'nurturing the creative mind', he discovered his talent,his love, his need and ultimately his passion for producing sensual, alluring and captivating key pieces for the female fashion lover.  From his first collection debuting in the Spring Summer season of 2006/2007 and fast forward amongst all the runways, lights, camera and action,and strumming to the tune of his own creative beat, Alexi Freeman is now immersing himself in the Alexi Freeman collection #10 ! xo.

Describing himself as "a man very much concerned with designing collections that are thoroughly modern, highly relevant and beautifully realised".  Wouldn't you agree with me that anyone who incorporates the words 'concerned' and 'thoroughly' in describing himself, allows us all to feel completely trustworthy in his designer visions? and to be rest assured in knowing that that there will be no skimping, compromising or short - cutting when investing in an Alexi Freeman creation. 

His designs reflect artistic intelligence, taking into account the womens femme form and flattering it to the n'th degree. Each collection incorporates one or the other elements of  sheens, shines, glitter, slithering textures, bold cuts and juxtaposed ( side by side ) textured patterns.

I requested for Alexi Freeman to complete the following sentence - Fashion to me is....... to which Alexi Freeman replied: "my reason to get up in the morning". An answer well received,  there is nothing like bouncing out of bed with visions of last nights dream elements, somehow lending itself to inspire the creative mind for the next morning! xoxox.

Already reviewed internationally, the Alexi Freeman  name is clearly bound to head in all directions of existence xo.

To discover Alexi Freeman -

Madam Alexandra E. (k)

images courtesy of Alexi Freeman

KEVIN VILLERT - Editor-in-chief of Tais-toi, sois beau

A contributing collaboration review with Madam Alexandra E.  from  a man amongst the fashion runways on the other side of the pacific - America ( New York).  Kevin Villert ( Editor-in chief of Tais-toi, sois beau) shares his fashion thoughts on the Australian style culture. xo.

Dear Madam Alexandra E.

When I think of Australia, words like sun-drenched, beach, blonde surfers, aboriginals and the Sydney Opera House come to my mind immediately. But while I love Aussie designers like Alice McCall, Sass & Bide and Dion Lee, the Fashion scene in Australia is quite under-exposed on my side of the Pacific. However don’t get me wrong, it’s changing and in the good way. For example, TopShop asked Alice McCall to collaborate on two successful capsule collections while Sass & Bide is becoming an established label in the country of her Majesty. A brand like Ksubi has found a large web of stockists in the US. And this is just a short-list to demonstrate that buyers and editors from the North are slowly and progressively turning their heads to the Australian fashion industry.

So, what does it mean? Why such interest now? The Australian lifestyle is usually described as laid back by most, and it translates into the clothes. To survive in the sun-drenched streets of Melbourne, my only hope would be to wear comfortable and stylish clothes for a complete sun-bath. However, having never been to Australia, my reflection is mostly based on street style snapshots taken through the lenses of Facehunter or The Sartorialist. Of course these people are probably among the 2% most stylish Australian but largely enough to give us an idea of what’s the Australian fashion in terms of culture and design.

Compared to other cities like Paris, Milan or NY where we seem to be more focused on sophistication, provocation and edge, Australian designers differentiate themselves with enthusiasm. My favorite designers are Alice McCall and Dion Lee, and I recently fell in love with Karla Spetic and Alexi Freeman.

 Their enthusiastic approach to design outfits is recognizable by these modern and architectural cuts to ease and flatter the body, and by the punchiness of the colors and mix of colors that are used as if someone exploded the Jelly Beans factory. But what could come out tacky, is definitely not. It seems that the designers have a natural talent to design chic, playful, wearable day and night, and flirty outfits. Dion Lee, for example, is really having a fantastic year. No doubt he will end up showing next year either in London or in NY, perhaps, even Paris. His unique vision of sculpture and construction generates intrigue and attention. His work is both architectural and artful; innovating what is womenswear and actually making women desire to wear his outfits.

His futuristic-boho is well articulated with this magical palette of purple. And, it seems Australia has a large resource of pattern-making wizards.

Kevin, editor-in-chief of Tais-toi, sois beau.


The Madam Alexandra E. blog page has been re - styled..... in preparation to merge with the  re -vamped Madam Alexandra  E. website coming in 2011 - a website encompassing  a fresh, light and stylish approach to fashion worthy topics local and global xox.

To my Madam Alexandra E. readers; please don't be alarmed with the sudden style change to the page. Compare it to the likes of going through a 'fashion cycle make over'; the page has merely been re-styled, detoxed and botoxed to give it stylish oomph, liner to give it popping boldness, and a splash of light soot grey to simply live up to its reputable "Madam" status xoxo.

The page may appear different in style, but still the same in 'substance' ! xoxo.

Still the same.

Madam Alexandra E. (k)


 This season, the arm candy (hand-bags) offering is catering to all fashion lovers, in all shapes and sizes.  Whether you're a self confessed bag - a - holic or an occasional arm candy  follower, be sure to immaculately drape yourself in something 'bag worthy' before you leave the house!

Tune into the designs of Regina Garde, choose from arm candy creations with long straps, mid straps and short straps.  Studded, textured and simply applicable to all outfits xox.

Be adventurous, be daring and be willing! - I say this, only because secretly our true style vibes are often discreetly reflected in our talent for accessorising.  I love the days of  throwing on a pair of dull denims, dull top, dull flats and an absolutely 'not so dull' arm candy. Styling with minimal fuss, but still maintaining a sense of stylish dignity xoxo.

Images: Regina Garde

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)