Healthy Living & Lifestyle - Simran Mathew

Madam AE continues to create an international platform by extending our content across all borders of the globe.

We collaborate with the best, individuals who are creatively leader's in their own industry. Together we create an effective and powerful reach to a greater audience. Whether our message is about style, beauty, life or commentary fun. Our content is relevant to someone...... x

Welcoming to Madam AE's  blog; Simran Mathew. From Dubai, each month, Simran will lend her thoughts on healthy living.... 'lifestyle'. Giving Madam AE reader's a glimpse into her world...

Kim T.
Madam AE xx

To all Madam AE reader's,

I am so excited to be a part of this incredible blog, and team. My heart is to see men and women live their life to their fullest. How we do that, is starting with ourselves, our bodies and our minds. My notes on fitness and health is going to come to you very candid. It will stem from my own personal experience and battles I have and had faced to get to where I am today.

I live each day as though it's your last and love like there is no tomorrow. I hope you do enjoy my articles. I do hope you get inspired to make healthy a new lifestyle.


Simran Mathew

Trending with Fluorescent Fuschia - By Madhurima Nigam

Today I am trending pink fuchsia

Fluorescent Fuchsia...the hottest color painting the fashion world; bright and it colors...eye shadows...nail's all over the place.

The color is so bright and vibrant that you will be spotted even in a crowd.
A very happy and vibrant color which will brighten up your mood.

I am presently wearing it on my nails and just love looking at it. My skin tone is on the fairer side so it really looks pretty but those with a little warmer tone or with a dark skin tone need not feel bad as it looks equally nice on every skin tone.

This is the beauty of this new trendy color.

So all the fun loving experimental style lovers can go crazy with this new color palette and to add more drama, team it up with more fluorescent colors like orange...yellow or can really go crazy.

I'm thoroughly enjoying this fun time with this happy shade...hope you have fun truly brightens you up.


Madhurima Nigam



New York City - My Mary Poppins bag at 5.30am

Hello New York City...      What does one do, when they are experiencing jet lag?  Begin by sorting the contents in her bag..

I've just landed a few hours ago from a very long flight into New York City.  By body clock is telling me it's 7.30pm Australia time, yet my brain is telling me it's 5.30am NY time.. and sleep is  borderline on my mind yet not.

So I'm discovering what exactly did I throw together into my handbag, in my haste to the airport...
So far, I have found my favourite Christian Dior Lipstick for the evenings, Susan Posnick lipstick for my day wear, a few watches??? a woman can never have enough watches.. I guess..x  My Chanel eye colour palette and some loose accessories, from Mimco and Witchery combined, and then there is my cropped black leather jacket, which I travel everywhere with.

So far it looks good, but I think there's more.  It's kind of like when Mary Poppins digs deep into her big carpet bag and she just continues to pull out one thing after another..... I have to admit  my bag is that way inclined also.

Off to catch a few hours of rest.. before Times Square wakes up :)

Kim T.
Madam AE xx


Huxley School of Makeup; Complexion - By Michael Huxley


Dear Madam AE followers,

Blog articles are a fairly new concept to me so please excuse my brevity.  I look forward to sharing some of my experience and knowledge as a professional makeup artist and educator, in my guest blog entries each month.

Today I would like to discus complexion.  Too often do people underestimate the importance of creating a perfect complexion, focusing predominately on eyes and lips.  Everyone knows that eyes and lips are the main focal points on the face.  However, the last thing you want is to distract everyone from the wonderful work you may have done on the eyes or lips with a poorly executed foundation.  We have all seen a floating head or two when someone has chosen the wrong foundation colour, or seen contouring that resembles the stripes of a tiger!  Therefore it is essential that you get this step perfect. 

Here are a few rules to remember about creating a natural complexion;

Match the right colour 
Sounds straightforward but most women say they have trouble choosing a colour to suit them.  The easiest way is to match your foundation to your arms and decolletage, never the face or neck.  The neck is covered, like veranda from the sun,by your chin and for most women the face is often lighter from wearing makeup or use skin care with SPF. 

Choose a suitable coverage

It is my opinion that for most people, the purpose of makeup is to enhance your own beautiful features.  Not just to cover up.  I often see ladies with a full coverage foundation that begins to look less like skin and more like a frosted cup cake.  Unfortunately, while the foundation has completely covered any imperfections, the texture and appearance no longer matches the skin on the rest of her body.   The solution is easier than you might think.   Always consider the end result; only conceal areas that need concealing, then choose a foundation that blends evenly and is build-able so you can focus your efforts on the areas that need attention rather than creating that caked on effect. 

Liquid before powder
This rule speaks for itself.  The only time when makeup artist break the rule is when concealing brows or tattoos.  If you try concealing after using a powder you run the risk of the products lifting or caking up.  Not a pretty sight and it can be difficult to recover.

Contour with the right product and colour
Contouring is all about light and shade.  So theoretically any product that has a light or dark depth of colour can have contouring properties.  This doesn’t always mean it will look good.  For example, bronzes are often used to contour the face however; you run the risk of looking like a bronze statue, which may attract unwanted pigeons.  I normally opt for a foundation or powder that is a couple shades darker or ashier in tone.  Placement is a whole other story that we can touch on in another article. 

Beautiful Blush

I have a friend who describes applying her blush as scrubbing on the happiness.  For most people however, I would recommend applying a small amount to tie your facial complexion in with your natural skin tone.  Less is more for a natural look.  Remember you can always add more after doing the eyes and lips. 

Style Giveaway: For one lucky Madam AE reader we are giving away a two-hour private makeup lesson for two people valued at $300!  Simply like The Madam AE Facebook page and inbox us 250 words or less what you love about makeup to go in the draw to win!  

For those international readers who might not be planning a trip to Australia’s beautiful Gold Coast anytime soon, Huxley's School of Makeup will have an exciting prize draw especially for you coming soon!

Much love




Perforated Ballet flats

I love Witchery's new range of perforated ballet flats. Dressing up in a very casual way... xx

Kim T.
Madam AE xx



Italian fitted suits - By Madhurima Nigam

This week, I share a very quick fashion tip for men.  As a men's wear designer, I am constantly aware of the movements in men's style.

The latest trend for men is to wear Italian fitted suits.

A well fitted jacket with pencil thin pants...makes you look not only slim but tall too.

But the trick to the game is if you are little on the not so fit side then instead of wearing the pencil thin pants wear a well fitted trouser which fits well around the thighs and then falls parallel from below the knees but sticks close to the calves...and with the least flare in the bottom...good way to cheat.

Another trick is to button up your jacket to give you a slim look...but not for those who are little heavier around the waist.

   Madhurima Nigam



Simran Mathew: Look good, feel good.

Former Miss India Asia Pacific contestant Simran Mathew, has come a long way since her days as a professional  model in India. Gracing advertisement campaigns and travelling for modelling projects, are now of the past for Simran ( or as close friends and family know her as Simi ). I spoke with Simran awhile back, capturing an understanding about her life  and fast forward, today as a mother, wife and host of her own online channel SimiTV show and her mission to empower women to look and feel their best.

Simi has one goal in mind, and that is; to empower women to simply 'be', to 'be' yourself, 'be' able, 'be' to enable, 'be' free to love and live, 'be' happy, 'be' grateful, and 'be'lieve.  Life was not always as humbling as it is today for Simran. Her past experiences in the industry of modelling has allowed her to now embrace and live life with a fierce kind of love and determination. Adamant to shift her way of living and for others.

As we carry our conversation, and she freely answer's all of my questions, Simi has a very vibrant and positive presence about her. Clearly grateful on the ground she is standing on today. She tell's me to use any information she has spoken of, as she has nothing to hide. She is using herself as platform for other women who have endured difficult paths in their lives.
Her story begins at 15years old, when she was approached to become a model, which then lead to six years of a professional career in modelling.  It was during her days as a model, where the 'darker moments of this seemingly glamorous profession reared its' ugly head.  I asked her how she overcame these dark days, to which she replied.. "at the time, I was young and lost, caught up in a very adult world, but eventually I overcame this".  Through determination in herself and seeking help, by creating her own support group, she speaks of how when she lived in India ( Chennai ),  she  eventually became the " bad girl gone good" and that was, and continues to be the type of empowerment she is sharing with other women and young girls she encounters today. "What use to be uncool, I am making cool. I want to set the abused free, and that can only happen if I stopped for the one, and spread some love".  

Simran stands to believe that any kind of "empowerment can happen if we stand together, women spend way too much time in tearing each other down, if we would stick together and stand up for one another in each of our communities and societies, then that itself is power on its' own".

Simran today, lives a full life in Dubai,  recently she  relaunched herself through her own online YouTube channel SimiTV. Through SimiTV, Simran candidly documents about topics in life which she believes will help other women move through 'those days'.  Whether you're a mother fighting to find time, or you simply want to adopt healthy living tips, SimiTV is  Simrans' portal to publicly speaking  about how she approaches everyday life.

Kim T
Madam AE xx

Images: Simran
You tube: simitvshow

Makeup: "getting it right" or "getting it wrong" - By Madhurima Nigam

 This week I address the topic of makeup. I want to share with you my personal observation and opinions about 'getting it right' or 'getting it wrong'.  In my opinion,  one thing I have observed is that mostly women get confused between day and night makeup.

In the West weddings take place in the day, and in the Asian countries, mostly in the evenings.  But we tend to forget that the sun will be shining bright even if you are attending a wedding in the day, and one should not and can not wear very heavy makeup, as it only makes you look flaky and patchy once you start sweating under the heat.

I used to make the similar mistake, till a few years back, and would end up looking.... well... let's just say a 't..rt' ( rhymes with start) in a day event.

But here are some basic tips that I have kind of figured out over the years.

1. The base that we use for day, should always be lighter in consistency and preferably with an SPF content to protect the skin from the sun, and it also reduces sweating to some extent.

2.The colors that we use for day makeup while complimenting the occasion and outfit, should be kept on the pastel or light shades.

3.Eyes can be well defined with light shadow shading with pencil and mascara, instead of drawing harsh lines with a liner.

4.The lips should always be nice and light and if you intend to wear a dark color, make sure the eyes are not too stark.

5.The cheeks should have a light rosy pink or peach hue.

6. For the special occasions,  a light shimmer on the cheeks will just add glitter to the occasion.

     By Madhurima Nigam