Healthy Living & Lifestyle - Simran Mathew

Madam AE continues to create an international platform by extending our content across all borders of the globe.

We collaborate with the best, individuals who are creatively leader's in their own industry. Together we create an effective and powerful reach to a greater audience. Whether our message is about style, beauty, life or commentary fun. Our content is relevant to someone...... x

Welcoming to Madam AE's  blog; Simran Mathew. From Dubai, each month, Simran will lend her thoughts on healthy living.... 'lifestyle'. Giving Madam AE reader's a glimpse into her world...

Kim T.
Madam AE xx

To all Madam AE reader's,

I am so excited to be a part of this incredible blog, and team. My heart is to see men and women live their life to their fullest. How we do that, is starting with ourselves, our bodies and our minds. My notes on fitness and health is going to come to you very candid. It will stem from my own personal experience and battles I have and had faced to get to where I am today.

I live each day as though it's your last and love like there is no tomorrow. I hope you do enjoy my articles. I do hope you get inspired to make healthy a new lifestyle.


Simran Mathew