Healthy Lifestyle - with Simran Mathew

If only someone told me as a teenager that, Simi you are beautiful just the way you are, you need to get healthy & fit not skinny &anorexic. That you can eat right & not have to starve yourself.  That it’s alright to have pimples on your face because it does not define who you are as a young lady. Well no one did & that is why I am writing on this blog so that I can tell you everything no one told me when i was a young adult. This space a mum & daughter can read together, a husband &wife.  We together will make healthy a lifestyle, but I am also going to throw in little secrets that could just rock your world. And it all starts with the way you think.

 My point of view on weight loss: You could try all your life to lose weight, try every diet, pay millions on surgery and still never be happy with yourself. First step to getting in shape is to look at yourself just the way you are and love that body cause in doing so you will learn to take care of it. You first love yourself!  After two kids, a donut stomach and alot of fat to burn i had to look into the mirror and like what I saw & when I did that - it brought so much freedom into my life. No pressure, just self-control& discipline with alot of fun&sweat I went after the challenge to get back in shape. And today I am exactly where I want to be :) 

 As a teenager who was dreaming of being a famous model I was constantly told I am too fat, bad skin, too skinny, too tall, too short… I was never beautiful for the industry,I was always criticised for the way I looked. I did have my good days but many bad ones. And today I get it , you want to be a model you got to be bold & courageous , if you are weak you will fall & that is why we see so many who do & many who end their lives too . With all my many insecurities & fears i still went onto becoming Miss India Asia Pacific 2004/2005 at 17 years old,I also won MTV Most Wanted Face: a year contract with MTV as a VJ. Now any woman in my place would of jumped to it but not me,I was just way too scared to leave my home and fly off to another city to pursue a dream. I was too afraid.    

 Now why share all this, well I want you to know me. I want to get personal with you. I want to share my story :) especially my failures & then my victories. So today I’m 29yrsold, with a handsome husband & two adorable boys almost 5 & 2 years old. I am everything I wanted to be as a woman. Today I understand not to obsess about my weight but to exercise, eat right & make my lifestyle healthy. I have understood the word balance. And I do just that,I live a balanced life of work exercise eat &play. I wake up and choose to have a happy day. I have realised that it’s all about the choices you make that will lead you to your destiny.  So in short to make healthy a lifestyle you start by making the right choices through your day, love your body, be inspired &it’s the small steps that will lead to bigger victories.  
Simi x