Kick the Habit - By Simran Mathew

What is a Healthy Lifestyle to you? Is it just about your diet and exercise? Well for me personally what I have discovered this year is, I want to make sure my whole being is heading in the right direction. I could be someone who is super healthy, super fit and a very unhappy person. Or I can be super happy , a super good person but very unhealthy . Let's find a middle ground right there and start off.

In my first note to you I said I want to keep it real. I am all about the heart, I truly believe you take care of your insides and that will reflect on who you are on the outside. And I truly speak out of the experiences I have had.  I was completely lost as a teenager I refused to listen to what anyone had to say. Headed to my twenties I had found peace and truth in a God that changed my life. I decided I wanted a better life for myself, a better future. I came from a broken home and no way was I heading to that. I had made a decision at 21 yrs. old I am going to have a GOOD life.

First step to that was quit smoking. Boy I totally relate to all of you out there who is miserably trying to quit on something. It isn’t easy and I know how it feels when you have 100 other people who think they know how you feel and tell you off. I was so done hearing people say STOP smoking. Because in my head I was like I want to but I can’t. I am a slave to this, smoking controls me I am hooked. I struggled a lot to quit, I so wanted to cause I was so sick of smelling like a chimney.

I wanted to start fresh (big teeth smile) I had dreams for myself and the one thing I knew is I wanted to be in control of myself and I didn’t want to be a slave to anything. Good news is I quit. I am sharing these details because this is who I was then, and today I am a whole new person. Healthy Lifestyle to me is balance everything. Stay addicted to nothing but water and your greens. Caffeine, nicotine, chocolates, fried foods, alcohol and more... these are things that we can get hooked on and it can completely rule our lives leading us to sickness and obesity.
So at 23 years old I found my mate, my other half, my person and his name is Lijo . After getting to know him he said the one thing I can’t stand is being with a woman who smokes. LOL thank God seriously that I quit in the right time. We got married and my life had begun. Six years forward two adorable little fellows. I am happy at where I am as a woman. I have chosen making small changes in my every day. If you meet me you will see I am THE most chilled out person ever. I do not take anything too seriously. Even with my diet I let myself enjoy ice-creams and chocolates with juicy burgers every now and then. It’s about the attitude you have for your life. My attitude is I want to live a long healthy and happy life. I want to see my dreams come true. And only I can make it happen :)

What are you struggling with today? Know that you’re not the only one but also know like me, you can STOP and make a decision to go the other way. Know that life is all about choices. I say choose to live healthy, stay happy and do a happy dance hahaha. In the end it’s all about the CHOICES you make. Know I believe in you, I believe we can do it, we start with ourselves and move onto our families. So make the right choice today ! Someone in Dubai named Simi believes you can... Stay healthy stay happy!!

Simi x