Happy Holidays

It's that time of year! The time of Merry moments, festivities and indulging on delish food!
Summer Holiday's have well and truly begun in Australia. Soaking up the sunshine, dipping in the pool, riding the waves at the beach and simply hitting the sand with bare feet!

Happy Holiday's to Madame AE readers :)

Kim T.
Madam AE xx


Merry Christmas with Simi

Christmas is here . What a beautiful time of the year . So much joy in the air . I want to wish all Madam AE readers a very Merry Christams & super amazing New Year .

I have a real good feeling about 2014 ,  I am going into this year so very hopeful . So many dreams i want to see come to pass , many goals in mind & with a very excited heart iam all set to end this year . And when i look back iam so thankful for all the people who have stood by me . I truly hope 2014 is going to be so much better . Iam going to make sure it will be cause its up to me . And with that been said i hope you live your life so intentianal about all you do & all you want to see happen . Cause its up to us to make our dreams come true.

Happy New year my friends .



'Crazy Rich Asians' - A new breed of wealthy ( a novel )

Praised by Anna Wintour, optioned for film by the producer of Hunger Games ( Nina Jacobsen ) read by fashion enthusiasts, young money old money socialites and anyone who likes a book with drama involving wardrobes of cashmere, leather and the ridiculous playground of the filthy rich world of 'Crazy Rich Asians'.


Crazy Rich Asians - by Kevin Kwan, was written with the intention to bring attention to the new breed of the 'wealthy asian'. No longer with story by lines revolving around historical and cultural struggles of old Asia, but instead; Crazy Rich Asians introduces a sophisticated version of the 'having too much of everything syndrome'.  A book that is far from 'Joy Luck Club', 'immigrant based themes', and 'war'. The only war in Crazy Rich Asians is the war in being limited, on how many LV's  the 'wealthy Asian's' are allowed to purchase.
Kevin Kwan entertains with this sartorial style novel... be ready to be whipped into the world of the bestselling novel 'Crazy Rich Asians'.

Kim T.
Madam AE xx

Bespoke Suit Jackets - A fine fit

Whether it’s a bespoke option or MTM ( made to measure ), here are a few tips on how to make sure you get a good fit for your blazer or that suit jacket.

There are many brands offering MTM services and offering that perfect handcrafted fit, the secret to a good made-to-measure suit comes down to a few key adjustments.

 As an avid wearer of bespoke suits and jackets, here are some  of my own personal tips when it comes to applying MTM options -

1. Buttons; one of the most important aspect for a blazer or a suit; don’t go with the ones offered,  have them upgraded or ask for mother of pearl buttons for that posh look

2. The sleeves need to be narrowed. Usually the MTM services offer standard sleeves which can sometimes be too wide

3. Jacket sleeve length- the general rule for jackets sleeves is that the jacket should end above the large bone in your wrist to show half an inch of  your shirt cuff.

4. Your suit jacket or blazer needs to be taken in to shape your torso and not have the boxy look.

5. Your jacket collar should rest against your shirt collar. If the collar is too loose there will be a flopping gap on the back of your neck.

6. The shoulder of the jacket should follow the end of your shoulders.

7. Chest: Button your jacket, top button – if it pulls against your chest and an X appears the jacket is too small.

8. If a jacket doesn’t fit your shape properly, sometimes the bottoms will flare out, a product of the jacket being too slim in the waist, so your hips push out the fabric.

9. Lapels- Lapels should touch your collar and should have no space when you move.

10. Most Suit jackets are tailored too long; Get your jacket shortened

One of the most important aspects of being measured or measuring yourself for a perfect fit is being in your own natural stance, standing up straight but in a relaxed pose, usually wearing the dress shoes you would wear with the jacket or suit to get a proper fit.


images - Alexander Nash 

Don't forget the 'fun' times - by Simran Mathews

It’s been a crazy year for many of us. A lot did not go our way, some plans changed, some disappointments and some victories too. One thing I have learned this year is to just get up, dust off & move forward; and after kids you learn to let go, be free and have fun. Life is hectic for a mum. I tell you what; even for those mums who have nannies and maids life is still hectic. Now for those who don't have any help... I have learnt to juggle doing so many things in one day. When in bed at night I have these big plans with my handsome man but to my surprise I open my eyes and its morning HAHA!! Where did the night go??? That's called exhaustion.

Anyhow hubby knew that his wife needed some time off, and he let me go visit my girlfriends in India for the weekend while he babysits our boys. Now before you feel sorry for him let me just let you know he is pretty awesome with the kids; that they don’t miss me when I am gone, they have the time of their life. I hear they played in the rain, ate ice-cream almost every day that I was gone and was out all day. Sharp 7.30pm in bed no drama. But when I am around boy do I see two little monsters come out because they know they can play up with mummy.

So I took off so excited to have the weekend to myself and to have an all-girls time away... OH my word dreams come true. On flight I could barely sit still I was so excited to be on my own I watched two movies back to back. I was so into the movie that I was laughing, crying and talking back to myself. I landed and it was time for the fun to begin. I was staying with my girlfriend for three nights. I spent my morning meeting with people and talking about what we can do in the future , how we, together can make a difference in our City Chennai ( India), and at night I wore my loubs , Chanel on my shoulder , hair let down and I was ready to go .

I truly believe every mum out there needs time out. Whatever works for you? A day out, a night away, a weekend, a whole week. Whatever works for you? Make it happen. You want to be the best wife and mum to your kids. You need to take time out for yourself. Lucky me I have a husband who understands that. Message to all husbands: Give your wives time to themselves.

Back to my trip: My girls, I have known them for many years. We know things about each other  no one knows. We have done things together we can never speak about. Girl power, BFF’S, Blood sisters all that put together is something we had and something that we still have. We have been through it all together and it’s beautiful.
This trip meant a lot to me. What my girls and I did we had never done before. We took off to a beach house & spent the evening together. We have gone away together many times but what we did that night we had never done before. We had a heart to heart. And that just brought us even closer. We apologised for where we failed as a friend and promised to always stand up for each other and never let anyone down. By now you should know if you have been reading my posts, I am all about the HEART haha!! Heart matter is very important to me. You want to live a happy life then deal with your crap.

We left that night feeling solid as friends and went out and had the time of our lives. What is life to you?? For me it’s about the people. These relationships I have they matter to me, I take it seriously. I want to treat people the way I want to be treated. I want you to take back a few things from this post -

Relationships are important, don’t take your friends for granted , don’t be afraid to have a heart to heart , stop the gossip, stop the jealousy.. you are only going to turn out being more miserable & unhappy. Choose life like me, love, love and love it’s such a beautiful thing to do. It only makes you happier, prettier & younger. What you are inside will reflect on your outside. Today people come to me and say I am glowing. I have no secret cream or regime but that I choose to take care of the matters of my heart and I choose to love when it hurts the most.

Happy December sweet people.
Simi xx


Play-Suits in Summer

Love it when the Sun beats down and the Play-suits make a comeback.  This Summer season along the jetty's and under the Summer night sky's  light weight shift play-suits are the simple pieces for easy day to night wear.

Australian label Sabo Skirt known for their holiday and Summer pieces; lime inspired lace shorts and slip on one pieces.

Meanwhile, Witchery label styles up the play-suit with a watermelon palette lace play-suit.. ( next in my wardrobe for Summer evenings in Australia ) xx



Photos: Witchery . Sabo Skirt

Madhurima Nigam - Dear Madam AE readers

Dear Madam AE readers,

I sincerely apologise for being away all this time, and have not posted during the weeks.

I have been extremely busy lately with various commitments and so I request to all of you... please allow me to take a break and come back to communicate with all of you in the New Year. I will be wrapping up writing for Madam AE for 2013, and will return with more fresh and new ideas in 2014!

I sincerely hope and pray that each of you have a wonderful new year.. I am so looking forward to 2014.  Stay safe and take care.

With loads of love and great fashion,

 Madhurima Nigam



Personal Style - A Good Man

Proof to the increasing attention in Men's Style, is a stylish concept exclusively for Men. "A Good Man" is a personal styling/ shopping service tailored specifically for Men in Australia.

Men's Personal Styling service ; www.agoodman.com.au

Based in Melbourne & Sydney, Australia, the idea was created from two men; James and Julian.  There service is simple, they pay attention to dressing and styling 'the man'.

Featured on GQ Australia, Esquire and leading men's magazines, A Good Man... as they so put it:

"Are men's clothing experts. We work with men in Australia - and all over the world, when asked nicely - to help them find clothes that make them feel that little bit cooler. The key pieces that compliments; 'hey, great shoes'; 'you look sharp'; 'great hair'....

Those come from a good man "  - A good man.

A service that was once only given attention to; by women for women. Has now reached a new level of style and exclusivity for Men.

I love the new movement driving the Man to pay attention in the way he presents himself xx

Kim T.
Madam AE xx

images: A Good Man.

Madam AE - In the world of Men's Style

Back into the swing of things... October & November has been a hectic few months.

Apart from my love for style blogging on Madam AE, I divide my time between my other love of PR and writing.  So on top of style blogging, brainstorming PR strategies and spearheading campaigns for clients,  I'm also writing for select publications.. plus on top of this I have room for more exciting projects coming soon!  Never a dull moment, keep it going with what you love to do xx

Recently I have been exploring the world of men's style and fashion.. a new playground just on the cusp of becoming greater. It's an exciting time for the world of  "men" or the "gentleman", as the alpha man steps forward onto centre stage with the in's and out's of  'men's style'.

I have also been penning articles for Menstylefashion, one of the top rating men's magazines in the world... I've lent my opinions on  topics from 'Suited Scents' to 'Styling your Lapel'.
Look out for my new article for Amgmag ( Men's magazine ) coming soon.

P.S. Madam AE will be re-styled in 2014.. so keep an eye out for our new look! xx

Kim T xx
Madam AE


Kick the Habit - By Simran Mathew

What is a Healthy Lifestyle to you? Is it just about your diet and exercise? Well for me personally what I have discovered this year is, I want to make sure my whole being is heading in the right direction. I could be someone who is super healthy, super fit and a very unhappy person. Or I can be super happy , a super good person but very unhealthy . Let's find a middle ground right there and start off.

In my first note to you I said I want to keep it real. I am all about the heart, I truly believe you take care of your insides and that will reflect on who you are on the outside. And I truly speak out of the experiences I have had.  I was completely lost as a teenager I refused to listen to what anyone had to say. Headed to my twenties I had found peace and truth in a God that changed my life. I decided I wanted a better life for myself, a better future. I came from a broken home and no way was I heading to that. I had made a decision at 21 yrs. old I am going to have a GOOD life.

First step to that was quit smoking. Boy I totally relate to all of you out there who is miserably trying to quit on something. It isn’t easy and I know how it feels when you have 100 other people who think they know how you feel and tell you off. I was so done hearing people say STOP smoking. Because in my head I was like I want to but I can’t. I am a slave to this, smoking controls me I am hooked. I struggled a lot to quit, I so wanted to cause I was so sick of smelling like a chimney.

I wanted to start fresh (big teeth smile) I had dreams for myself and the one thing I knew is I wanted to be in control of myself and I didn’t want to be a slave to anything. Good news is I quit. I am sharing these details because this is who I was then, and today I am a whole new person. Healthy Lifestyle to me is balance everything. Stay addicted to nothing but water and your greens. Caffeine, nicotine, chocolates, fried foods, alcohol and more... these are things that we can get hooked on and it can completely rule our lives leading us to sickness and obesity.
So at 23 years old I found my mate, my other half, my person and his name is Lijo . After getting to know him he said the one thing I can’t stand is being with a woman who smokes. LOL thank God seriously that I quit in the right time. We got married and my life had begun. Six years forward two adorable little fellows. I am happy at where I am as a woman. I have chosen making small changes in my every day. If you meet me you will see I am THE most chilled out person ever. I do not take anything too seriously. Even with my diet I let myself enjoy ice-creams and chocolates with juicy burgers every now and then. It’s about the attitude you have for your life. My attitude is I want to live a long healthy and happy life. I want to see my dreams come true. And only I can make it happen :)

What are you struggling with today? Know that you’re not the only one but also know like me, you can STOP and make a decision to go the other way. Know that life is all about choices. I say choose to live healthy, stay happy and do a happy dance hahaha. In the end it’s all about the CHOICES you make. Know I believe in you, I believe we can do it, we start with ourselves and move onto our families. So make the right choice today ! Someone in Dubai named Simi believes you can... Stay healthy stay happy!!

Simi x