Sight Seeing : Well dressed man.
A breath of fresh air swept in my direction, as a known 'he specie', entered the gates of social soiree on the weekend, all stylised by a mystery unknown.
Generally clad in ill fitting, loose hanging garments, 'he specie' was whipped up into a clean, modern average beast.
No longer was he draped in gear resembling blankets, but instead, a vision of tight fitting, tailored to match fashion staples.
'He specie' is rather small in stature, small in width and well, just small.
Pity his personality didn't receive a tailored makeover.
Style rating:
Little 'he specie' makeover - 'smile'
PS. On very rare occasions do I, Madam Alexandra E. gives any tick of approval, but when fashion wanna be apprentices attempt to transform themselves to become a fashion lover, then I can at least acknowledge their efforts, "kiss, kiss darling".
Love me or hate me,
Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic. fashion critic. fashion queen