HIGH HEELS SOCIETY 2010 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sponsored by Princess Chic... (a new shoe concept peeping into the lives of many fashion foot form lovers), High Heels Society 2010 ( its first one for the year) was served up on a platter of delectable fine shoe offerings adorned by fashion savvy, shoe loving fashionista's!xoxo.

Once again staged at the boutique location of the Limes Hotel, High Heels Society 2010 was celebrating, embracing and recognising the one passion in every femme fashions lives..... S.H.O.E.S!!.

To my absolute delight.. I witnessed the true cult following of 'shoe lovers' within Brisbanites all over! xoxo.

As guest judges at High Heels Society 2010, Madam Me ( Madam Alexandra E. / fashion critic), Kellie Alderman ( fashion & beauty editor Sunday Mail) & Damien Anthony Rossi ( entertainment news columnist Sunday Mail), had a champagne clinking, cocktail sipping great time judgeing the sky high pumped heels! xxx.

Dressed to an absolute notion of perfection.... Kellie Alderman had on a 'show stopper' pair of foot forms.. as she self declared.." it's a bit of everything you could possibly imagine put into one shoe!".. and I absolutely second this. xo.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)

Princess Chic Shoes - Sponsors of High Heels Society

The fabulous pair of foot forms adorned by Kellie Alderman

The three judges...............................

Nailing the notion of being 'in fashion' xo.
Not every fashionista can pull off a tutu creation...,
Jasmine, definately can!!!xo.
Warning: Fashionista's over the age of 35/ 45 should not attempt this ensemble at home or at social outings!!!


There is something madly brewing @ the headquarters of Young Designers Online..... shhhhhhh it's coming real soon. All I can really say is that I'm waiting and waiting in anticipation.

Think.... supporting the great talents of emerging and established designers!!!.. the concept?... injecting more life into the fashion industry and simply offering fashionista's more, more & more!xoxo.

Lacquering my lippies, in preparation for that moment to click away..............mwah.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)


Take a seat ladies and gentleman.. and I shall take you on a galactical type journey into the dimension of the creative realm of the much anticipated second half of the Subfusco Fall 2010 collection "Inhabitants", the femme side of things.
Perched high on my fashion throne and penning my critic thoughts...I see a strong image of the wearable of 'tomorrow'. Don't even gasp for the notion of seeing a frill, frou frou or girly wirly type creations in the latest Subfusco fall femme collection!!... definately not!, instead expect to be taken into a new age world.. one which so powerfully creates the 'strong woman in a very captivating style'.

I adore the works of Mr Joshua..(the creative mind and parent of Subfusco), his vision of the femme is clearly one who oozes femininity in a very edgy interpretation.

I love the rouge effect on elongated leg offerings, the galactic style shoulder creations and of course the robe like diversions.

The elements have all been married together to create a very strong femme collection. Extremely wearable in every sense................ Knowing Madam me.. I would be so tempted to team a pair of heeled foot forms with a Subfusco creation.

Like two peas in a pod ( a cutesy analogy).. the femme collection so compliments the Homme.xoxo.

P.S overall... however the Homme collection in Subfusco's fall 2010 is my absolute favourite for any maleista who wants to stay ahead of his fashion peers.

Lovelies don't forget... don't expect to feel & see the entire collection until March/May/ June!!xo. not long now!!! xoxo.

Style rating: Bravo ( loving it, air kisses all around)

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)

There is something about this.. that I just love...................xo.

SASS & BIDE FALL 2010........

Adore the pinafore maxi!!!!!xo

To my fashion followers, please take the time to brew some tea, take a seat and view my critic thoughts on the works of Australia's fabulous fashion duo SASS & BIDE FALL 2010 FUTURE GRAND COLLECTION.... go to
http://www.fashionreview.com.au/sass-bide-winter-clothing-2010/ to read Madam me's review. xoxo. ( my critic tongue will be reviewing fashion fortnightly @ fashionreview.com.au in fashion news... xoxo.)

Style rating: Sass & Bide Fall 2010 collection- Standing Ovation ( speechless & adore it!!)

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)


Much apologies to those who have asked whereabouts is the Subfusco Femme collection review?..... all I can say.. is that.... it's coming, it's coming......

It simply just doesn't take a quick look over at the pretty pics to pen a review..... one is required to do further research... zoom in, zoom out...read the inspiration.. the story... and then read between the lines, over the lines under the lines... and nut out any intentions or 'no' intentions.

Then do a bit of a research bio read on the label, designer and team.

Yes Fashion followers... it's more than just saying it! xoxo.

So I promise by next week... the world shall see the Subfusco Femme collection and the thoughts of Madam Ae. xoxo.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)


Finally the fashion industry of Australia is given a standing ovation and accolades for its input for the fashion conscious!!!!

I stumbled across a great fashion article...which I recommend for all fashion industry honcho's to have a quick read over!!!xo.

In a nutshell, the article.. fronted by the loud thoughts of a very involved American fashion and technologically savvy individual: Yuli Ziv. She basically embraces the subject of the 'changing face of fashion'... and how the fash. industry is having the biggest shake up it will ever experience! Evolution, Revolution... destitution????? maybe??? for the fashion industry?? ( I don't think so).

Blah Blah Blah... she then goes on to make a very much needed mention to the fashion events of Australia!!, She says quote :"Perhaps we could learn from Melbourne Fashion Festival, Australia' largest public consumer and retail driven fashion event, happening every year to get the general public excited about fashion and shopping. Pieces shown on Melbourne runways are available for immediate purchase, making the shows a very effective marketing tool. ( To find out what let to this praising comment... go to www.yuliziv.com/2010/01/17/the-future-of-fashion-seasons-are-so-last-season)

Ms Yuli goes on to present very sound facts and opinions about the dramatic changes within the fashion industry within the bigger players.... how season collections will apparently no longer be viable and drift into extinction! This could be a wonderful piece of prophetic thought!!!, what a dream for some designers... less season productions... more just designing from the whim of your heart whatever you feel everyone should be wearing regardless of the season.

Anyway... I absolutely love this article....anybody in their right mind.. find this a hearty bit of fashion worthy text!

Just sharing this with you....xoxo.

Again : www.yuliziv.com

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)


Seated high on my fashion throne, I would like to declare to all my fashion followers that you can now, also find my famous critic tongue talents at one of Australia's most reputable online fashion websites... fashionreview.com.au !!! xoxo.

Invited to contribute my lovely fashion thoughts on all things about fashion in the 'fashion news/ point of view' segment of fashionreview.com.au

So to my fashion followers..... I will find you here.... and there....! and soon to be......everywhere!!! xoxo.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)


I love it when the new season rears its head, so many of our creatives begin to churn their magnificent minds to bring together to all fashion lovers, an assembled collection which depicts everything about the so called weather of that season... along with a themed element, all entwined to produce creations which can be wearable, unwearable or just so abstract that it reflects a hanging art piece... to simply stand and admire at.

The creative team at Subfusco and their master leader Mr Joshua R.S have obviously been busy hidden away in their 'other world' element creatively rejoicing for the efforts produced in their 'soon to be released' 2010 fall collection titled 'The Inhabitants'.

The collection is transported into two, one catering for the 'fashion - man', the so called men, male, Hercule type, possibly Fabio's and as Subfusco righteously declares them has, "Homme!". xo. The second, for the fashionista's... the "Femme".

My critic tongue is overwhelmed with every single Subfusco creation, so much so that I have only had the time to study the Homme collection and have yet to cast my thoughts on the Femme. The Femme thoughts will be coming by the end of the week.

As I cast my thoughts on this collection... I was excited to view the talents of Mr Joshua R.S, he truly has the unique ability to arouse the fashion senses of any fashion follower. Immediately I am drawn to the raw and dangerous type element he has seemingly so created in each Homme creation.

What fascinates me, is how each creation, although looks to be quite simple, also appears complicated through it's hints of minute 'add on's'... whether it be that continuous fold, the random torns or the elongatedness of the simple shirt.

It is very clear to me, that Mr Joshua R.S has a very distinct airy vision for the Subfusco Homme. Fast forward to a dimension of clean, cutting edge style.

His design abilities has created a Homme who is obviously very daringly manly with an element of beauty?.....

Unlike his previous collection..The Inhabitants collection does not provoke a feeling of eeriness... instead,... it more so transcends and evokes a feeling of strong, stylish manliness.....xoxo. Only the most confident have the notion to carry off such an effect.

I have always thought Mr Joshua R.S as being a man who has a true talent for 'predicting'... predicting what should and would be worn in years to come......but daringly so pushing it out there for the now.

My friend Mr Evan Czar.. Spain and U.S. fashion correspondent: Please take a very close look at this current Homme collection.. xoxo. The Femme collection reviewed soon...................

Style rating: Subfusco The Inhabitants Fall 2010 collection - Standing Ovation!
P.S. the styling is superb!

Fashion lovers not to be realeased until March/May/June
for your curiosities and enquiries go to: www.subfusco.com and just contact!

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)

This, I like.

One day the new age office person will be this....xo.


Every now and again... a true 'fashionista' is required to expand her knowledge regarding fashion, in a 'literature' manner. I'm referring to all the fashion lovers who just love wearing and admiring fashion... but really a true fashionista should every so often, rest her foot forms.. put aside the Jimmy Choos, the Bianco's, rest the Chanel or Vuitton arm candies, dress down in comfy... possibly Peter Alexander 'flop arounds', and clean slate the 'face palette'.. this is your opportunity to slather on that rejuvenating face mask... whip yourself up a tea, latte, or something of fancy alcoholic beverage( if that tickles your fancy), and read a good well written 'fashion bible'.

I'm not referring to the glossies... ( fash. magazines), I'm declaring those hard covered fashion bibles.. with more that 300 or so pages of in depth reading material.. all focusing on the beautiful subject of fashion, usually presented in a biography or document type style! xoxo.

Recently a dear friend of mine.. who obviously knows all my fancies and not to fancies... gave me a gift ( in actual fact.. for Christmas). This gift has given me a mirage of images, transporting me to the classical and classy era of the renowned Coco Chanel!

A book righteously composed by Karen Karbo, 'The Gospel According to Coco Chanel - Life lessons from the world's most elegant woman', truly captivates you to appreciate an era of fine fashion..created solely from the imagination, determination and creativity of a very much determined fashionable woman!!! xo.

As the critic reader... I was truly captivated by Karbo's ability to interpret the life of Coco Chanel in an explicitly humorous and very stylish... style.

I can critically declare.. even if the book wasn't a good read (it is a very good read), I just love looking at the book and it's stylish presentation...xoxox. ( sounding so faux pas at the moment).

Lovelies.. putting down the gospel for now and making myself a cup of rhubarb tea.

Style rating: The Gospel According To Coco Chanel - Bravo ( loving it, air kisses all around)

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)


I absolutely love it when fashion lovers do their fashionable bit for their own kind! A new fashion concept/sport is breathing life into the wardrobes of many. xo. Although not entirely original in its idea... however heavily marketed and specifically targeted at Brisbanites.

The Brisbane Clothing Exchange is declaring.........'don't shop..... SWAP!'. So raid out your don't wants, your 'not quite suitable for you, but could be fab on another'.. garments and swap your little hearts away.

Similar to that of 'Swap My Style'.... in fact entirely the same.. but just created from the minds of two different fashionista's. Brisbane Clothing Exchange is encouraging you to fashion 'recycle'.

A flute of bubbly for all who attend! xoxo. And the opportunity to mill around an atmosphere of 'swapping madness'.

My critic tongue says..............., the concept will definately be a success... ( Swap My Style is huge!, with the backing and support of Sportsgirl... it has come a long way from the days of swapping in the creators lounge room), so hopefully Brisbane Cothing Exchange will do the same. Brisbane has been slightly slowish in adopting this whole swapping craze....its sister cities of Sydney and Melbourne were already swapping madly in the way back of when'.

Air kisses to it's concept creator!, anybody who has the creative fashion flare to do their bit in the fash. industry.. deserves my approval for a day. Although I'm not a fan of swapping and renting fashion finds.... I do respect that this is a fashion sport that suits many others.

Do your homework and purchase tickets to Brisbane Clothing Exchange @ http://www.bneclothingexchange.com.au/ the first event is tipped for Wednesday 20th January 2010 at the Chalk Hotel.

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E. (k)


My dear fashion followers, I am officially back!!!, apologies deary's for the delayed return. For all those who have been enquiring about my whereabouts... one would have assumed my holiday festivities had whisked me away to a fanciful destination... never to return!

I am officially revived, rejuvenated, and reappearing on the fashion scene! xoxo. Seated on my fashion throne.. after a much need feathering down.. after the dust collecting during my absence, I cast my fashion thoughts on something that obviously is only befitting enough to be my first fashion critic tongue review for 2010! Yes... my darlings.. I have my hands on Mr Wu's current collection... yet to be released nationally... but drumming up a whole lot of media hoo ha indeed!

Fashion followers world over, here is the result of a much anticipated and much awaited collection of a master talent in fashion, Mr George Wu, his Autumn/Winter 2010 collection titled 'Indistinct Messenger'.

This design is my favourite!!! the added detailing of accessories oozes a strong defined style. xoxo

We can all recall my last review on Mr George Wu's last collection... so I was eagerly twiddling my fingers to see what he may have conjured up this time.

My fashion tongue declares..... a very distinct and collection indeed!. I really do adore the notion when a designer has the ability to tell us a story through their creations. When they have the unique effortless ability to transport us into a different era...... in this case... Mr Wu, has relived the era of a centuries old novel, "Gulliver's Travels". Yes, my fashion followers, close your eyes and imagine the masculinity of capelets and feminine charms. Bring to life the livelihood of the 18th Century!!!!

Mr Wu's Indistinct Messenger collection definately falls within the category of wearable!!, which I absolutely love. I must make mention, that finally, finally, finally.... someone has introduced the 'capelet' into their collection. I still believe in Winter 2010, the cape effect will replace our cardigans and throw overs. I am still passionately hanging onto the notion that we will see more of highly embellished capes, long, mid and short. xoxo.

Wait with patience my dear fashion followers, Mr Wu's Indistinct Messenger will not be available to drape your fashion forms until February!!!, that's right.. stocking nationally in February... so only a few more weeks of sleeps!!!!

My final opinion???? - such a delight to witness this compelling story of Gulliver's Travels interpreted in a Wu style... mwah xoxo.

Style rating: George Wu -Indistinct Messenger Autumn/Winter 2010 - Bravo ( loving it, air kisses all around) xoxo.

More images below for your fashion delights.

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E. (k)

Loving this look indeed: the black and white palette is Wu's signature indeed.

Wu's input into the 'statement' pieces craze...................

Finally.... the little capelet makes an appearance!. Picture high powered office feminine form.. flying about her duties in much anticipated style!