ALEX PERRY : Falling back in love with black

 Something to view over the weekend....... Alex Perry's current couture and Autumn collection. Alex Perry is one of Australia's favourite couture designers, known as the go to designer for custom made and collection pieces with an 'Alex Perry' girl stigma.  His designs have always been to flatter and accentuate the 'lady' in every female.

I'm enjoying his current collection, a combination of structure with a feminine power to it, and  the choice of dominant colour palettes; black and red, colours which I believe create a bold and alluring statement.  I have always favoured a dress which falls below the knee.. ; proper, feminine and classic, as opposed to the 'little bow peep' frocks with hemlines way above the knee; cute and girlish... ( not me at all..). Alex Perry however, escapes this.. by incorporating lace into his 'bow peep' hemline frocks.. love the lace.

There was a time, when the fashion world was losing its' classic colour palettes, I'm relieved to see that this season... we seem to be falling 'back' in love with 'black'....*sigh  :)  Alex Perry is one Australian designer who is taking us 'back'.

Do I love Alex Perry designs?..... Indeed I do  xx

Kim T.
Madam AE xo

pictures: Alex Perry