MEN'S STYLE - supporting style is recognised around the world in men's style, as one of the top online destinations for men's style and inspiration.  Born from giving styling advice to his basketball team mates, Dan Trepanier had a vision back in 2009 to spread the style love and extend his hidden talent with a men's style blog formerly known as The Style Blogger, now known as Voted as Esquire Magazine's 'Best Dressed Real Man in America, Dan has worked for countless brands, such as Ralph Lauren, Nordstrom etc.. and regularly featured in publications; Esquire Magazine, GQ and Men's Health.

Dan Trepanier has come a long way, from his degree in Psychology and his brief days of interning on Wall Street, and sitting in the buying office of Saks Fifth Avenue, and now heading one of the most recognised online men's style platforms.  Fast forward.. now consists of a round the clock style savvy team in New York City. Bringing to every man who loves style, or wants to be inpsired by style, a portal of styling information and ideas.

This season.. here at MADAM AE. I am throwing my support behind TSBmen's latest concept; The Style Guide -  "A Personal Styling and Shopping platform for men. The style guide provides instant outfit suggestions for any occasion, season, or clothing item using the best menswear photos online". This concept is fresh and evidence of the natural and ongoing style progression in the world of fashion and style. It's important that we support and sustain our creative peers in this industry, to bring to life more forward style concepts, such as The Style Guide, to men and women who love style.

The concept makes use of all the men's fashion images floating around online in magazines, blogs and more. These images have been handpicked, sorted and grouped into event / occasion and style options.. giving you a visual digital lookbook for your next out and about.. from outdoor days, midnight matinees, dinner soirees and lunches and brunches.

For all the men in AU who loves a bit or a lot of style, and to our international readers, have a look at the 'temporary model of the Style Guide, have a play and explore it's purpose... Throw your support behind TSBmen's style guide.. all in the name of 'STYLE'... xx

Dan Trepanier - Founder of
Esquire Magazine's,"Best Dressed Real Man in America"

Five minutes of fashion with Dan Trepanier...

M.AE - Describe your own personal style
Dan  - Somewhere down the middle of  'dressy and casual'

M.AE - Men's style is important because?
Dan - Style: The way you present yourself is the only 'true' first impression.  The sad truth is, people judge other people on the way they look. It's unfair and unfortunate, but it's true and it happens everyday. You can't change it, all you can do is put your best foot forward and make sure your first impression ( the way you look ) accurately represents who you really are.

M.AE - What are your thoughts regarding Men's style and fashion in Australia compared to America?

Dan - There are some really well dressed men in Australia, like 'Tommy Tudehope' from Sydney.

Like any place near the beach, the attitude and dress is a little more laid back. The 'rules' are less rigid, the lines are more flowy, and colours are easier to pull off.

The lack of true seasons also makes it a little more challenging to really indulge in all that fashion has to offer. On a personal note, I'm  moving from NYC to L.A this Summer, so I'm wondering how the temperate conditions will affect my eye for style.

M.AE -  What is your general rule of thumb, when it comes to fashion for men?
Dan - The most important thing, is that you feel  'comfortable and confident' in your outfit.
If you're new to fashion / style take it slow and find out what works for you. If you're forcing it, people will know, and it defeats the purpose.

M.AE - Who is your favourite Australian designer?
Dan - I like Vanishing Elephant. It's fun and quirky, but alot of the pieces are not over the top.

M.AE - Which fashion item in your wardrobe is your favourite at the moment?
Dan - A straw panama hat by Steve Stetson. The light weight wide brimmed hat, is back! I've been wearing mine daily.

Kim T.
Madam AE.


WITCHERY : Slipping on the perfect suede style boots

Today I decided to bring out my suede Witchery ankle boots.. I love these boots they have this versatile flip up and flip down lip design.  The heel is just right.. not too high and not too low.
Snug and completely comfy for the Winter in AU xx
In case you hadn't noticed.. and you haven't caught on... I love Witchery fashion, one of my favourite Australian brands xx
Kim T.
Madam AE xx

THE MANY SIDES TO MADHURIMA NIGAM; a candid conversation about her life as Madhurima the designer, mother to son Nevaan and wife to Sonu Nigam.

Madhurima Nigam & Sonu Nigam


We have all heard of the quote; "Behind every successful man, is a great woman", but after speaking to Madhurima Nigam, designer and wife to Sonu Nigam, my thoughts shifted to believe that instead, it is "a great woman that is at the forefront of every successful man". She stands in front, not because it is a race to see who is ahead or who to put it ever so bluntly, 'wear's the pants', but instead, she is at the front because she is 'the woman', the woman who supports him as opposed to impedes him of his goals in life and career. She inspires him to be his ultimate complete, and therefore often, she is mistaken to be behind, because noone else can hear her voice.
I had the pleasure of speaking with Madhu, and what begun as I thought to be a structured interview, to my surprise, flowed into a relaxed conversation about goals, perceptions, expectations, motherhood, dreams, womanhood, the past, the present, life, love and everything else in between. I hope through this article, I will successfully convey to my readers, the voice of Madhurima Nigam.
Not so much her story, but more so, a small glimpse and understanding into her life as a 'celebrity' wife, a mother and a successful business woman. I always pen my articles from a  personal perspective, and from there I take away with me how I believe the information should be best understood through my words.
Madhurima Nigam
When I first spoke with Madhurima, I didn't know what to expect, I had thoughts of; will she come across as confronting, female pro quo, accommodating, or would she want to just hurry this up.  After all, I was about to delve into personal conversations with the woman whom many know of  as the other half, and as wikipedia puts it, 'spouse' to Indian singer Sonu Nigam. Our exchange of words turned into the type of conversation's you would have on the couch with your girl friends, this ease of conversation, made way for genuine question's on my part and just as much, genuine responses from Madhurima. Madhurima is soft spoken, articulate and definitely with a calming and grounded presence, but with an equally intelligent strength.
There are four distinct sides to Madhurima Nigam, her life as a mother to her son Nevaan, her life as the partner and wife to her husband Sonu Nigam, her life as a designer and of course her life as Madhu, 'her own', and so I begin to best tell or re-tell the four sides to Madhurima Nigam..........
Madhurima the designer / the business woman:
Madhurima designed for the most part of six to seven years for her husband Sonu Nigam, for his concerts, special events and television shows.  It was through the encouragement of family, friends and the increasing request for her designs, that Madhurima decided to launch her own label "Madhurima Nigam", in 2011. Although young by years, the label has grown at an organic pace. Madhurima Nigam, the label, is geared towards a specific couture line for men's style, and naturally she would bring her designs to life, through what she says the greatest inspiration behind her designs is  her husband, because "when I design for him, I know that I am doing the job well" - Madhurima Nigam.

Madhurima Nigam design
Her designs depict a traditional yet independent take on men's jackets, with a strong take predominantly in playing with block colour choices in black, and the often featured Indian style Sherwani jackets. Her pieces are couture, with  her current collection based on the 'Dark night's of partying in mind". I can only interpret this as something.. elusive, dusk in darkness and underground with a hint of an alumni feeling, we play till we see........

Madhurima Nigam and her designs
Madhurima has spent the most part of her time focusing on raising their son Nevaan, with design taking a back seat, with the passing of her mother - in - law earlier in the year. Having only just recently re-immersed herself into her label again, Madhurima is now taking it in her pace, branching out to set up a home for her designs, as she speaks about her vision for the Madhurima Nigam label, excited with plans in the next six months to open her own multi-level designer store, and then within the next three years, to explore online avenues.
Madhurima the mother:
As the mother to son Nevaan, Madhurima comes alive when she speaks about Nevaan. It is evident of her immense warmth and love that she carries for her son, as she tells me about how her whole life is first and foremost as a mother to her son and wife to her husband. Like all mother's Madhurima has an innate nurturing side that is selflessly dedicated to protecting Nevaan in this world, to surround him with only those who will positively enrich his upbringing and add valuable lessons to his school of life, and to also allow him to experience and nurture his natural gift, because it is those moments that will eventually create Nevaan's story. Madhurima says that life has definately slowed down, now that Nevaan has started school, and so a routine must take place, not only so Nevaan can feel very much stable in a very 'high profile' lifestyle, but so Madhurima can also focus more on her career. When asked what keeps her grounded, without any hesitation, she tells; "spending time with my son". No doubt, I gathered, that Madhurima had gained a sense of new, in becoming a mother.
Madhurima the wife:
I candidly ask Madhu about her personal views on being married to one of India's most recognised profiles in the entertainment industry, and her replies are nothing but words that stem from a grateful, humble and 'loving' place. Madhurima did not paint anything with rainbow colours, nor allowed it to be seen through rose coloured glasses when I asked her about the pressures, if any, being the partner to a very famous man. Again, with her very honest approach, she tells me; "at times it is very challenging, as you have to be the 'picture perfect' wife, with a certain image you have to fit into, and you are constantly at gunpoint to the expectations of others. You have to be alert, well groomed and strong willed". Madhurima answered this question with an ever so slight humour, as she has a natural ability to make things not get to the better of her. How then does she become all those things?.. "you stop reacting" was her reply. I take it, she was hinting, you have to know how to sift away the things that don't matter, and instead embrace the things that do or will matter.
She tells me, "my husband is an amazing father... an amazing man, and in the last few years I have.... we have... grown up together". When Madhurima spoke of her husband, she had a tone of a very proud partner. She says "my husband is an extremely creative man, he thinks on a level that is deep and from within, and therefore he is so great at what he does, his achievements, including being a wonderful father to Nevaan.
Madhu the woman:
In this part, I wanted to understand about Madhu in her own skin, her own beliefs about life, love and simple things in general. To put aside her role as a mother, and wife, and to answer some questions which would allow her to be in the space of a free thinker. I wanted her to openly discuss about being "Madhu the woman". The purpose was to hopefully have her honest words become a platform to empower many other women of past and present generations. Regardless of the fact that she is the partner to a famous man, but she is also a successful business woman, who has a vision, future goals and direction, she is a mother, and at times, there a days when she is not all perfect.
I asked Madhu, "if she could go back to a certain point in  her life, which part would it be and why?" I explained to her that this question is not necessarily one to reflect on regret, but instead to positively look at it as; "if you were to return to your past, and experience something again, what would it be?". To which she replied; "I would go back to when I was 18 years old and do again all the things that I didn't do, pursue my career as a dancer and to explore life in a different way, this... which I am trying to do now". She answered this with contentment and excitement, content that although she did not nurture herself as a dancer, it did not mean it hindered what she would do now in life. "The present is the most happiest phase of your life" and from this, I take it, that Madhurima is completely in her 'present'.
Madhu and I spoke about the controversial yet universal language called, 'Love'. Her definition of love - "love is understanding, love is a mental emotion, my love for my husband is never-ending, and not because I simply love him, but because I understand him and with understanding, comes a genuine love. She continues to say that 'love can also be over rated and can also bring about evil, by way of obsession and possession and so it is important to grow with love. As a woman, you need to recognise whether you are in love with the feeling, or you are in love with the person. She carries on to say that motherhood has given her extra love, to receive and give. Motherhood makes you a better woman, at times it is challenging to everything in your life, but there is something about the women who are mother's who have that real organic love. Not at all impeding on women who are not mother's, we are either meant to be or not.
I asked Madhu if she could impart advice to other women on how to overcome adversity in their lives, what would she share, to which she replied; "you must look at adversities in your life with a positive approach. Life ahead of me, is far more beautiful. The way you think that your life should take shape will allow you to find happiness in something else.. change the present situation".
Madhu believes that adversities may appear to put you back five steps, but really, it pushes you to leap ten steps. She believes that everything is meant to happen and it happens for a reason, un - benounced to what that reason may be, but the reason is always for the better, because adversity comes with it a lesson and with the lesson comes the truth and with truth comes your destiny.. your meant to be.  At this point of the conversation, Madhu and I both agreed there was a reason she and I were to have this conversation and connection, she said "I feel like I've known you for ages", and for me..... I shared the same thought. I guess, this easy flow of conversation came down to.. maybe it was so I could have a comfortable and honest understanding of Madhu the woman, and for her, to trust in me, that I would take her words and re-tell it on a level where those who read it will take something from it. Although I am sure, that personally, we both have our own understanding as to what that reason may be.
I left my conversation with Madhu, knowing exactly how I would compose this piece. It was my intention and is my intention, that those who read this will have a greater understanding about the general topics in life and how important it is to retain that small piece of 'you' regardless of the many sides that you have to be in your life. I enjoyed my conversation with Madhu, as it was one of the most thought provoking conversations I have had in awhile. I'm not quite sure what  Madhu may have taken away with our conversation.. but for me,  it reminded me to not 'waste time'....
"Time is the most precious thing in our lives, you cannot waste time. Use your time in doing thing's that make you happy, place your energy into thing's that will bring about happiness in the long run, and have no regrets in life, because everything that you do teaches you something" - Madhurima Nigam.
Kim T.
Madam AE xx
Images: Madhurima Nigam.

All around the world... xx


I love my new Madam AE banner :) Thanks to the ever so talented and very creative  Ankur Khamesra of Resurgam.  He worked tirelessly and very patiently to help bring to life and conceptualize my idea and vision of what the Madam AE blog is all about...

He captured exactly the essence of the Madam AE blog, and me.. on day's when I just type away xx   ask for Ankur :) for all your creative logo and website design needs

MADAM AE : Style Giveaway

We love White Sands Swimwear... and we want our friends where the Summer is shining to shop up at White Sands.
We continue our White Sands Swimwear style giveaway... like us on Facebook and you could experience the White Sands Swimwear style!...
 Like us :  MadamAE   xx

Gatsby: The return of the Signet Ring

Gatsby black onyx daisy signet ring
 Thanks to Gatsby.... this season, the 'modern' man is stepping into the styling era of the 'debonair' man.  A bit of flamboyancy, stylish suave and rich in confidence, with a vintage nod. He is the man who is returning back to old fashioned pocket squares and well tailored suits. Nothing too brash and bold, but instead, block and striking and none the less smooth  in style.

Come this season, every  man's style quotient will have a signatory flirty trademark piece, whether its' his choice in pocket square, or to button up or not, he will be noticed for that one classic stylish addition to his look.  This season.. the trademark piece will be, what 'man' is wearing on his finger. Looking for his signet ring; a striking piece of  accessory worn by man, made for and designed for the specific man xx .

Return of the Signet ring....... Gatsby's black onyx signet ring is available at Tiffany & Co.

Kim T.
Madam AE xx



Images: Vogue
Images:Stephen Einhorn

TALULAH: diagonal hem, lazy slip on's and floral prints.......

Love Blind collection ( my favourite... and completely my style xx )

Rare Jewel Collection

For my friends where the Sun is shining and hot Summer nights are peeping... another one of my favourite Australian label's is Talulah. Designer Kelli Wharton, has created a selection of collections where each one depicts fashion forward styles, simple, yet fun and frivolous at the same time.

I love her two current collections 'Rare Jewel'  & 'Love Blind' xx. Her Rare Jewel collection is an array of pastel palettes, with block, floral and hints of edge. Absolutely perfect for those cocktail and mocktail day's and night's :) Both collections have a constant demure hemline..throughout the designs. I call it the 'mid- way mini' where the cut is not too short, yet completely flattering slightly above the knee. I am a fan of this mid-way length, and the loose form fit, where it is not too tight and definiately not in need of an alteration....

Talulah's 'Love Blind' collection is a combination of futuristic shorts with diagonal cut hemlines ( I love this look ), loose jumpsuit styles.. floral  black night prints, and lazy slip on sleep wear style dresses xo ... the combination is unique and works for that Summer statement style. Sneaker the look, or heel it with a pair of sexy strappy open toes xx

It's no secret that I love dresses with that feminine stylish kick...  I call it "dressing down, with a bit of up :) " the up is either in your shoes, the texture of the garment, or a statement accessory.  I find Talulah designs are perfect in defining the feminine fashion forward style of self essence.

This  is why I love Australian designs.. the style is always, almost fuss free, there is something about the vision of the designer that reflects the carefree nature of the Australian lifestyle...with a bit of 'city' in you..... xx.

Kim T.
Madam AE xx

Rare Jewel Collection... I love the lavender pastel and capped sleeves



Love Blind collection ( loving the diagonal cut hemline short xx)

Love  Blind Collection

Love Blind Collection

Love  Blind Collection ( carry by day, carry by  night :) )

Love Blind Collection

Love Blind Collection ( I interpret this as the lazy, slip on sleep wear style cut.. love it)
Rare Jewel collection

Love Blind Collection

VOGUE : Stylish sippings

The two most delectable and desirable elements; Fashion and Food.
Vogue ( Conde Nast ) this month expanded its' style power with the second Vogue Cafe in the world, to swing open its doors in the glamour precinct of Dubai.  The first, was in Moscow.
Attracting the moneyed and Euro - chic.. not just for the fashionable, but also for the  patriotic Vogue lovers of the brand itself, Vogue cafe is already on the list as one of the world's best bar and restaurants. 
Vogue Cafe is expanding with sites set for South -East Asia and Latin America.
Forbidden desserts.. and concoctions of stylish sippings......... x
Kim T.
Madam AE xx 

SUNDAY ....xx

Sunday Session...  I headed to a quaint cafe with my bestie... and had some old fashioned breakfast and did a bit of roadside people watching :)
My Witchery Mila Wedges just had to make an appearance this morning.. teamed with my Witchery loose throw-over xx  It felt  just right to put on the shades, and slip on a pair of statement heels. Dressing down, yet.... with a bit of up :)
Kim T.
Madam AE xx

S and I.... old fashion mocha shake xx

Witchery Mila Wedge Pumps.. making an appearance :)


FASHION re-visited : something about me

A little bit of trivia about me...  my love for writing began when I was 12years old. A journal or two over the years.. documenting thoughts, inspirations, moments, memories and simply.. just 'Drawing my mind' ;)

This weekend, I decided to do a bit of 'blast from the past' and revisit my teen years up until my "today's" xx

In a quick timeline of fashion; when I was 12yrs old  I was into print body suits, at 13 I wore black bell bottom flares and lace up mid-driffs.. ( Oh dear.. ), 14yrs old; the denim cut offs made a frequent appearance, at 15 I decided to design my own denim cut offs.. I spent two days, and two nights making woollen pom poms, and then sewing them onto a pair of faded denim jeans, which I cut off to wear as shorts .. ( the denim pom pom .. ( what was I thinking?!). sweet16 was the year of floral summer dresses ( sweet indeed :) ) at 17.. my prom/ my formal year.. I wore a red sweetheart halter- neck chiffon flowing gown, and I just had to team it with a pair of long black satin gloves.. the kind of gloves that pull right up past your elbows ( I must have felt regal or royal.. or something ).

Re-visiting my fashion trials and tribulations during my teen years, lead me on a mission to hunt down my formal dress... after stifling through several boxes and suitcases.. I found my 'sweet heart satin halter neck chiffon gown :)', definitely a Fashion flashback xx

My formal/prom dress :)

Fashion re-visited :)

Kim T.
Madam AE xx