Plus Size Vs Fashion World Size.

The debate over real size models Vs Fashion World Models...... hmmmm never ending airing of debatable opinions.

A certain fashion agent was miffed over their 'real life' models not being selected for a particular fashion show this year.... ( as they were welcome with open arms last year).. well honey.. fashion is're either needed or you're not!xx, get over it.. and trump on!

Applause, applause to Mr Alex Perry for making a recent comment to the Daily Telegraph.. about his right to choose his own models, stating " Nobody is going to tell me how to pick models" - Alex Perry. I couldn't agree more!!

The Fashion World is a Realistic Fantasy World.. where the imaginations of the creative minds come to life. What starts off in a blue print format... soon comes to real life played out on the catwalk.

I have before aired my thoughts about this topic.. and I still haven't changed my position!.. I don't know about you,... but I love attending shows that depict a model muse.. who displays the creation according to her creative master.. ( the designer). I am inclined to be propelled into a fantasy fashion world.. where I can view models sashaying down catwalks to the rhythm of their own beat.. and not to the rhythm of their over sized hips.... ( yes, yes.. this part is going to cause controversy.... but hey it's my opinion~!xx).

I am also not against the right for designers to happily choose their image!.. if so and so designer requires a plus size model for their creation.. then so bit it!.. but please don't take away the designers rights to also have the option of 'the other model'.

Maybe it comes down to the Designers' Rights!!!??? xxx mwah.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)


On another shore.......: So this is the event following after MBff. The equivalent to the Rosemount Fashion week... but open to the public.. and not just to the select fashion pack industry.

Dare I compare the two??? MBFF to RSFF??... no I'm not going to even attempt.

I will focus on the RSFF (Rosemount Sydney Fashion Festival) for now. Had a quick look at their programme.... and let me say, for all true dedicated fashion lovers and followers... pack your fashion cases, strap on your heels, throw on a cape and head yourself to Sydney between the 23rd August - 28th August 2010!!... For those in the land of OVERSEAS..... either get yourself there then, or else...follow it deeply through the Aussie fashion Glossy Mags.

The line up on designers showcasing.. is an Australian fashion lovers dream... creations bore from the minds of ALEX PERRY, CAMILLA AND MARC, SASS AND BIDE, WAYNE COOPER, ED HARDY, GINGER AND SMART, ANNA AND BOY, JULI GRBAC ...and a MASSIVE LINE UP OF MUCH MORE!

This is the festival where you come to view the big talents of Australia's Fash Pack Industry!xx

It's a shame because there were a few designers showcasing in the MBFF.. whom I would have loved to see take their five minutes of fashion public appreciation of fame at the RSFF... hint hint... Subfusco... Neon Heartache ( possibly???, or maybe are you??, but I couldn't find you on the programme list?).... ( You would receive so much more press on that side of OZ).... but HEY... MBFF.. is a great place to start spreading your wings.. for some exposure... and after all if it's your home grown turf then.. it is befitting... ( so then how come.. Sass and Bide aren't showcasing at MBFF? but instead at RSFF? xxx.

Bravo to the organisers of RSFF... about to pull off another fashion event extravaganza for the general fashion lover public!!.

HEAD TO TO HAVE a look!! ( excited with anticipation!!)

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)


Edwina Sinclair.... the youthful creative behind the label SOOT. Engineered by the talents of her creative soul... her label epitomises elements of subdued blackness in a 'girly' form.

The Soot label is not one to shy away from either designing the norm... but also adding a sense of 'abnorm'....( if you understand what I mean.) Extra - elongated elements added to some of her creations, cater to the 'unusual factor' of the Soot. label.

Although the label is not entirely a 'wow' prodigy... it does however definately has 'something' unique. And with a bit of clever nurturing on the 'business' side of things.... Soot could possibly be predicted to see bigger things.

My creative opinion?... create a collection with 'slick' 'marketable' elements.. appealing to your direct 'target group of fashion lovers'..... then release it like a 'publicity machine!'.

These days the story of young emerging creatives just doesn't cut it as a good story....., Brisbane is already using this notion to death.. so come into the press with a creative strategy!!

Let the creative business brain begin!!! xxo

I think Soot is a little Brisbane label with potential... definately one to watch in 2011... and onwards.xx

Head straight to:
Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E.(k)



Upon invitation to this event, I discreetly entered the Subfusco concept store opening. Everything appeared well in check... all efforts were made to clearly make this an 'opening event'. Decked with the mini red carpet.. and a member of the Subfusco team diligently stationed at the door, ticking off names as guests entered.

Not really uttering a single word, I made my way around the store taking in all surroundings and doing what I simply do best.... just OBSERVING!.

My observations in no particular order... but instead from the top of my memory:

1. The host Mr Joshua S. a very gracious host indeed. I could see upon observation, that he made his presence be known in a very accepting manner.. 'no loud boisterous - "this is me the designer personality".. but instead his presence was conducted almost in a 'home-like' sense. An analogy I can use is... I got the feeling that Mr JS was simply 'Welcoming' his guests into his 'home' xo. Almost like when an owner of his home opens up his doors, and he is excited, proud and confident to put his work on display xoxo.

2. His team was scattered amongst the bevvy of guests.. the in - store stylists.. the model.. etc, no feeling of a pretentious environment, but instead a very relaxed evening.

3. Like his designs... the store was purely... simple, purely white.. and purely not decked out with nonsense. The space was small and almost intimate with the Femme and Homme collections clearly housed on opposite sides of the room. The designs?... simply fantastic... I have always been an astute fan of the Subfusco label, I have always declared that Mr JS has the talent of tapping into the 'tomorrow market' for the 'today market'. Simply thinking ahead of his creatives.

4. I loved the 'lane - way' outdoor style set up.. which was pretty much next door to the concept store... it allowed guests to appreciate Mr J's talents in one area.. and then allowed his guests to step out and simply enjoy the open air in a party style atmosphere xoxo.

Conclusion: The event was non - cliche...., yet at the same time maintaining a very individual 'flare'. I fell in love with the Subfusco 'Extragalactic Cape'... in black and white xo.

This Fall on this side of the Hemisphere.. it's all about Subfusco.

P.S. and of course The Subfusco team managed to attract the clicking of cameras from various press. xoxo.

To my international readers direct yourselves to:

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.(k)


Oh what a complete shame! why isn't the little Brisbane label 'Make Sean Famous' participating in this years Mercedes Benz Fashion Festival?

I was truly predicting big things for this underground men's label. Kind of like another hooray moment as it was for Daniel Alexander when he pulled out that lacy creation!xo.

I've heard whispers that Mr Barker the creative behind 'Make Sean Famous' is taking a seat back and 'reassessing' the business.... in my opinion?, maybe he's just cleverly re-thinking, re-inventing and re-igniting the perfect moment to re-introduce the brand. ( smart little thing is he xoxo).

I am a true advocate for Male fashion.. ( the Male-ista). Brisbane is slowly, offering so much more temptations for the male fashion lover form.. and honestly?, I am very excited!.

There is nothing more appealing than to have a male form take that little bit of extra effort in investing in his wardrobe. Soon enough, gone will be the days of the boring thought " Men have very little fashion options", but instead I declare to all male form.. 'THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX!", look into the 'future'.. ( sounding too much like some clairvoyant, preaching on a fashionable mission!xox)

Anyway my point back to Mr Barker... focus on one conception, is it the 'shoe?, the men's wear? or the bag?'. As a designer who has just entered the market it's best to brand and market yourself on one particular offering, and then as the following progresses.. naturally the induction of other products can follow.

For e.g. I love the idea of The Make Sean Famous 'The Crux Jean"... I would simply call it 'The Crux'. The crux I predict could be a very big fashion moment for The Make Sean Famous label... kind of like how 'the rat' leggings for were sass and bide.. and of course their signature jeans.

I would love to see... your little following standing around the streets of Brisbane, and nationally if possible with hand written sign posts reading..'Make Sean Famous'... and handing out postcard sized images of 'The Crux'.. and of course details of where and how!...( just an idea xo, what a fabulously creative marketing stunt!)

Just something little for you to think about Mr Barker xoxo. Make Sean Famous... INDEED.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)


hmmmm, the Fashion industry is an expanding chain... each one feeding off each other like one big food chain.

Designer/ creative - pr & marketing - media/ press - fashion agent - stockists - consumer/ fashion lover

One big feeding frenzy, in no particular order, but working in a very animalistic type order, each one providing the essential to one another, but yet also eating from one another in order to survive.

Hmmmm this is just a whimsical lazy weekend thought...

So at the end of the day, the designer needs every aspect in order to survive, pr needs designer in order to survive.. media needs consumer interest and the designer in order to survive, the fashion agent needs the designer and stockists in order to survive, the consumer needs the designer, stockists and media in order to survive, the stockists needs, the designers, and consumers in order to survive.... OH Heck.. I think they all need each other vice versa in order to survive... one big happy feeding frenzy really! xoxo

Don't worry fashion lovers.. i'll pen a review and be back on track in a few..........xoxoxo

Madam Alexandra E. (k)