Mark Schwartz:Modern day shoe maestro for the serious fashionista

Fashion lovers & followers, this is my last entry for 2009!. Yes, the Madam is off on a mini break to bask in the glory of Christmas festivities and mingling with the family. Dusting off my fashion throne in preparation for 2010! Exciting fashion elements to come, where you will see and hear more from Madam me! xoxo.

To part 2009.. I will leave you with a a series of luxe foot form sketch creations.. by the very talented shoe artist Mr Mark Schwartz. A true Picasso for the foot lover he is.

Ladies and gentlemen this is the process of before a foot offering turns into a magnificent reality!
So talented is Mr Schwartz.. that his sketches are adorned on the walls of many serious fashionistas.

Mr Mark Schwartz works closely with many top designers.. collaborating to create fantasy and reality type foot forms. Think of those foot forms that are far too unrealistic to adorn.. but so realistically possible in artistic fantasy land!! Mwah xoxo.

Enjoy and be inspired!.

Signing off for 2009..........................................Madam Alexandra E. (k) xoxo


Wrapping up the fashionable year of 2009. Seated high on my fashion throne I reflect on what 2009 meant to me, through a fashion aspect.

2009 will be remembered for:

-Revolutionising high fashion to become mainstream.........( with the whole recession climate.. those housed in the high end of fashion.. unwillingly/ willingly became submerged with the mainstream fashion offering) - SURVIVAL OF THE FASHIONABLY FITTEST.

-Bloggers sitting front row and taking the world of fashion to a whole new tech savvy level!

-Fashion became ENTERTAINMENT!: Designers began starring in their own doco - type movie roles... Chanel, Anna Wintour etc........if only there was an Oscar for the willing participants.

-Fashion literature all of a sudden became fashionably worth reading about. Fashion dictionaries, Vogue biographies, Rachel Zoe styling books to name a few.

-Recycled, reloved, re-made, re-create.... just beginning.


VINTAGE will be absolutely HUGE IN 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. In fact 2010 will be the fashion industry's excuse to become 'environmentally' conscious... REcyle, REmake,RElive,RElove, REvive,Recreate,Reborn. Nearly every fashion house will incorporate a sister label into their brand which will revive collections from the past.. where fabrics will be remoulded to make new fashion creations for the fashionista.

Nearly every fashionista will be falling in love with the notion of investing in a piece that is titled with the word 'vintage'. Only because VINTAGE is the new kind of STYLISH.

Every fashionista will be seeking out vintage luxe creations.. ( not cheap vintage).. but unique recreated vintage pieces. Vintage ensures the fashionista it's a one off one of a kind creation.. no double ups with another fashionista! yipee with glee.

Gladiator sky high heel will fade out!

Winter will bring a comeback in the double breasted and vested business jackets.. to be worn socially of course!

What's Brewing for Madam Alexandra E. in 2010?

-more fashion and event reviews xoxo.

-Launching the Madam Alexandra E. label! (this was inevitable)...........shhhhh still in the works.. yes ladies and gentlemen.. the critic is launching her own collection, so bring on my fellow critics!!! Mwah xo. Just doing my extra bit for the fashionably fashionable, that's all.

-Styling to the extreme.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic


There is nothing more satisfying to the fashion appetite than to pay witness to the emergence of 'shoe with food'. The latest 2010 campaign for the infamous house of Christian Louboutin, served up their latest collection on silver platters, caviar pots, swishing wine glasses and plump grapes!. The images are absolutely devine..with the effect that foot wear can actually be infused with the delicacies of food.xo.
My critic tongue is in awe of how the artistic path has been taken. Each foot form ( shoe ) creation blended intelligently and creatively into what appears to be canvases of paintings.
The collection could easily be overlooked by the artistic presentation of things.........

This is my girly.. yet for some reason I have my eye on the frilly puff hand bag.. with the ornate chain???. xoxo. luv it.

These pumps are sensually delicate.. yet full of power and strength to 'trod' on plump grapes....hmmmmm if only during the Queen Elizabethan Era the ladies frothed around in these delicacies... fit for the daring royals indeed!

I must declare that a standing ovation must be granted to the team of Christian Louboutin.. for serving up a fine menu for the fashionista who appreciates fashion in its artistic form.

This is what I call : ' thinking outside of the square box '... escaping from the normality and injecting a frivolous element of fantasy and fun, but also mesmerising us through stories from each image. ( a sigh... I don't think I've ever interpreted fashion in such an artistic form!!!)

Style rating: Christian Louboutin 2010 campaign - STANDING OVATION!!!

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic



Once again I am paying homage to a truly STYLIIIIIIIIISH accessory Queen. With glee was I, when someone whispered in my ear that the new CHELSEA DE LUCA website was now up, revamped and restyled for viewing!xo.

Although yet to be unveiled is her next collection... however ones fashion taste buds could easily be tickled with the stylish classy and classic accessory offerings which is currently on show and available for purchase.

I must admit that Samantha Wills would have to be my other favourite accessory Queen.. however, her style is of course different to Chelsea De Luca's. Chelsea De Luca manages to epitomise and stir within her creations a sense of 'vintage romanticism.. induced with flares of classic styles raging from bygone era's of when women were delicate muses.

Personally when I adorn a Chelsea De Luca piece.. I truly feel transported to an age of effortless style. Where minimalism can still very much be achieved through a well encrusted cuff, earring, pendant or brooch.
So befitting for the self titled label, Chelsea De Luca to gain international acclaim through her high profile celebrity clients. With an immense loyal following globally... my prediction is that Chelsea De Luca will soon be 'strutting' her creations on runways in the Parisian and American market.. with more collaborations to follow.

Style rating: Chelsea De Luca new website - Bravo ( Loving it, air kisses all around)

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic


On Friday 11th 2009.....just past midday, my gladiator style peep toe shoes transported me to destination event: 'Fashionista Events - Christmas Luncheon'. Venue?: West End ( Freestyle tout), Brisbane. Dress code: Christmas frock, marketing campaign?: last years, runner up on t.v fashion series Project Runway, Mr Leigh Buchanan.. showcasing his runner up collection.

To make things clear... Madam me was there to only review the event.. and not so much Mr Leigh Buchanans collection... although I will say... very down right regal, royal, English and renaissance!xoxo. With a self proclamation from Mr Leigh Buchanan himself..., that he will be / hope to be, bigger than VERA WANG!... talk about a bold and confident statement! ( Anna Wintour when you read this part, let me know your thoughts... I personaly believe his statement is truly achievable).

I was anticipating a very large fashionista crowd, however to my utter surprise.. a very cosy and intimate setting was the event. Surprising to me... because by rumour Natalie is the Brisbanite fashionista...feeding hungry fashion lovers 'fashion bargain updates' through her webby.

So how come this Brisbane fashionista queen managed to only muster up a handful of attendees.. with the majority appearing to be her 'fashionable best mates'!?. Miss Natalie is the other fashionista of Brisbane... the first one being Queen Bee of luxury retailing Amber Long.
Mr Leigh Buchanan

My observation was clearly this: The event was staged as though it was just a Christmas party/office work party/ bachelorette party( yes the ladies were going ballistic over the old song favourites such as 'Joline', 'Like a Virgin'!!!!?????, yes I couldn't' believe that little number came on. The fashionista lady guests were in screaming awe of the kilt clad model Tom....:) yes.. bachelorette party come hysteria elements).

As soon as the guests had more than one too many sips of champers and began self inducing themselves with movements to 'Like a Virgin'... I new instantly this was clearly not an 'Amber Long / Lindsey Bennett' ( Queen Bee of luxury retailing, and Mr PR machine behind mercedes benz fashion event), stylish fashion soiree.

Anyway back to my observation, clearly I could see the set up of this event as having three very distinct sectors: in tables of approx 20 per table,
Table 1: consisted of Miss D'Alessandro and her besties..'buddies'
Table 2: consisted of the fashion industry insiders.. all your PR honchos, and modelling agency reps... etc.
Table 3: consisted of the 'randoms'.. the ones who either couldn't get seated at either table 1 or 2, or were the general public not really known to Miss D'Alessandro and probably just purchased tickets via online.. although yes there were one or two who were acquainted and high profile.

Other than this... the heat was like a full fan forced oven!( even with the two industrial machine like fans)... but of course this was not Miss D'Alessandro's fault. And clearly my little vintage number was feeling the heat of things... as were also every femme fatale fashionista's 'makeup' palette.

The hostess was barely and rarely seen.. except probably seated with her 'besties'. I would have liked to witness her rove the room and mingle with her guests... ( even those whom she may not have known??), and extend that gracious hostess hand.

My preference would have been to see the event as a standing set up... with roving/ roaming canapes and drinks... this way a more relaxed and mingling atmosphere would have been acquired.

Entertainment was great!... although it would have been nice to not have to witness the gyrating and lewd moves of the vocalist.. ( yes.. Brittany Spears... "Oh baby baby" was sung and accompanied with balcony climbing horse riding moves...yes.. use your imagination.. ). Apart from that... his vocal abilities were FANTASTIC.. he belted out a few groove moving tunes.. old time favourites indeed dished out by very talented vocal chords.

I will not be an uptight fashionista and turn this into a bitch ( pardon the vocabulary) session, this is a REVIEW.. , and therefore I will recognise that Miss D'Alessandro clearly enjoys having a great big ball of 'let down your hair and partaayyyy' fun!!!

Every so often.. Mr Leigh Buchanan took to the microphone..... in which it was definitely a humorous moment. I would recommend Mr Leigh Buchanan as Master of Ceremonies ( MC) for any event!!!, poised with a real fashionista flare and dare personality.

Mr Leigh Buchanan was truly in a class of his own. Clearly extremely approachable and flamboyant, you would have thought Mr Buchanan was the host of the fashionista event luncheon,very gracious indeed. xoxo.

I will not be a harsh and petty critic. I will truly recognise that Miss D'Alessandro has contributed greatly to the Brisbane fashion pack. If it wasn't for her and her 'fashion bargain update website'... all those fashion loving.. fashion hunters.. wouldn't know where to grab the latest high end and middle end sales and grabs.

Yes, fashion lovers.. Miss D' Alessandro is the one who tells you when those sass and bide warehouse RNA type sales are coming..... when Tallulah has a slashing sale.. and when Izabel.. ( shoe emporium of the moment).. is releasing its' exclusive footforms. So yes.. Miss D' Alessandro and her fashionista events empire.. is worth knowing in your little black book of fashion updates.

Miss D'Alessandro may not yet be pro at staging fashion events... but she can sure... let you know when and where a fashion find can be found.
My prediction for Miss D'Alessandro and her little fashionista events? : Something that could yet become bigger and better.. with the right PR push.. and marketing appeal. I would like to see more fashionista events staged on a regular basis............. I'm not referring to sale shout outs.. I'm hinting towards... grand fashion type events/ parades...cocktail fashion openings.. etc... ( just an excuse for Brisbanite fashion lovers to dress and heel up).

Did Madam Alexandra E.. enjoy herself?... yes and no. Yes: because it was very relaxed and 'joyful'.. clearly everyone present was putting all their inhibitions aside to have a truly great time!, and No: because...... like the guest seated beside me said, 'just like a hen's night indeed'. The food?: Mr Martin of the Freestyle dessert empire... dished up very fashionably, stylish and appealing representations in food and flossy, xoxo.

Style rating: Fashionista Events, Christmas Luncheon - Applaud ( Stylish effort),

P.S. The fashionista guests.. dressed to a fashionable - T. Very 'casually frocky'.. but loving the sky high footform heels adorned on nearly every fashionista! Mwah.

Do your homework lovelies: ( for stylish dessert offerings)

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic


Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E.(k)
fashion critic

DESIGNER: MELINA HOLLWAY someone to watch.

My critic tongue stumbled across this little unknown... or possibly known label by designer Melina Hollway: Gold Coast , Australia.

Clearly embracing the styling trend of the flowy maxi floor length dresses. Melina Hollway, has incorporated two heavy trends which are sweeping the fashion world globally: Statement neck pieces combined with maxi creations.
Definitely not to be worn lightly with. xoxo. My thoughts suggest... styling is mediocre.. quite possibly because the incorrect subject has been used... however the Melina Hollway creations are absolutely styling.

Accompanied with a hefty price tag... Melina Hollway creations has placed itself as high end???? in my opinion.. not quite yet high end... ONLY WITH A HIGH PRICING POINT, however with a bit of tweaking in the styling and marketing department... the high end aspect could be incorporated.

I am nodding in approval of the white, blue and yellow creations.... the statement neck pieces are stunning!, could just as well be worn when the sun shines and when the moon glows. xo.

The label should be given much more credit for its intricate detailed creations... combining complex with simplicity. With a bit of media exposure and a 'high end' webby... Melina Hollway creations could well be adorned on many relaxing fashionista's.
French Frou Frou Mini????? .... not my cup of tea...

Please note: Melina Hollway has introduced a new collection influenced by the Frenchy naughties..., my opinion?, not really in my approval department... looks too much like a costume dress up element. >

If Melina Hollway's goal is to benchmark itself as high end....then steer clear of fantasy type costume maid like creations... looks cheap and nasty: 'This is not high end".

Style rating: Melina Hollway collection - Bravo ( loving it, air kisses all around)
Frenchy collection? - Crossing my arms ( what the? & why?)

Melina Hollway has yet to display her beautiful creations on a webby... I can only assume that the webby is in the works!....

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic


Styling: Madam Alexandra E. ( application:

One dress.... with two styles. Who said you couldn't dress it down or dress it up?

I have picked this little light airy layered number ( Marc Jacobs). In day mode... Madam Alexandra E. suggests you team it with a pair of earthy brown wedges, side strapping bag, and don't forget the sunnies.

This little look could so be worn to a nice midday brunch/ lunch! mwah xoxo.


Styling: Madam Alexandra E. ( application:

And of course.. when the moon is shining...............Madam Alexandra E. suggest you trade up the wedges and give the dress a bit of powerful cutting edge funk! ( this shows you are just in tune with the trends as everybody else!)

Oh if you should feel the breeze on your arms?... throw on a vesty jacket ( styliiiiiiiiiiiiiish in a modern quirk)

P.S. don't forget some sort of bling... in this case I have chose to lay off the earrings and cuffs.. and have opted for a bling ring!

And the Chanel arm candy??? just shows you have expensive taste ( you appreciate classic style whilst moving with modern trends).

Fashion lovers don't forget: If the purse strings can't stretch.........then IMPROVISE.. it doesn't have to be a Marc Jacobs or a Chanel arm candy.... but as long as the style is of similar offering. It's all about the look, and how much thought you have put into piecing your fave look together!

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic



I am now technologically fashion savvy!!!, today I trialled and error a STYLING LOOK FASHION COLLAGE... courtesy of the intelligent fashion agents of
( YES, the above fashion collage is styled by the hands of Madam Alexandra E... me xoxo)

My fashion collage is a montage and inspirational creation for the classy and stylish fashionista... who oozes style beyond her years... and sex appeal at the click clacking of the stiletto!! xoxo.

My choice for a classy fashion event, where dressed to impressed is a must.

If you can't afford whats on display............then improvise darlings... not everything has to be high end branded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C.R.E.A.T.I.V.I.T.Y

Please take note.... dangling earrings for the moment are out!, button medium - large in size earrings are in!!! ( however rest assured, the danglings will be returning again. It won't hurt to wear the danglings when the moon is out, but not quite now when the sun is shining).

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic


STYLE TIP NO.1: During the hot season when a fashionista is forced to wear toe peeping/exposing foot form gear.. ( heels, sandals etc), please ensure your toes are well taken care of.

Too often during the Summer months when I pay witness to the heel cracking.... and dry toes' effect. Ladies, please give yourself a well deserved pedicure! If time is of the essence and time is precious... then slick on at least a layer of lacquer on the toe nails! ( no lacquer is excused in the case of allowing the feet to breath away from chemicals)

And please.. no pointed toe nails... .the across cut is nice and neat and suffice!

Before you sleep as we all know...........apply foot healant and sock up! xoxo.

This is a general rule for the silly hot season of Summer! ( applies applicably to Australia at the moment).

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic


All i want for Christmas is a CHANEL 2.55!!!,....... gone and banished are the puff bags of Chanel... and the unchained Chanel handbags!!!. The swaying trend is the revived, reissued chain loving Chanel 2.55!

So befitting with the whole revived, reworked and rebirthed VINTAGE craze, the Chanel 2.55 would look stunningly, breathtakingly fashionably stylish on any fashionista.
Chanel 2.55, named after the date of its creation - February 1955!.... with a bit of tweak and change here and there.. we are now glorified to see the recreated version of Chanel 2.55 at the hands of Mr Karl Lagerfeld.

The Frenchy color combination is my pick of the moment!... loving the triple effect flap style xoxo.

My critic tongue can so speak of it being teamed with a pair of fave jeans and Sky high pumps.. soho, boho eclectic sunnies.. mish mashed bed head styled hair.. that looks effortlessly unstyled..( but really has been styled). teaming it with a singlet tight as an unbbreathable T!,and and if swinging for the evening???. throw on a cropped style jacket with shoulder pads to the left and right!!.... ooohhh and swinging stylishly with the 2.55'er! mwah xoxo.. street smacking style indeed.

So fashion lovers, fashion haver's.... put aside your side strapping elongated hippy style bag forms... and adopt a more classic and classy effect.... something you can just hang aimlessly on your hand... as though you were raising a champagne flute!....

further info, search : Decades two
& Bag snob.

Style rating: Chanel 2.55 - Bravo ( loving it, air kisses all around)

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E.(k)
fashion critic


I absolutely love it when designista's incorporate a healthy and cleaner conscious towards fashion. Well... I don't love it as much as I am writing about it... but hey.. it's something different, unique and promotes healthy planet!xo.

Introducing a little magnificent find.. all the way from the land of the U.S of A!.. this is MR LARKIN!... a 100% organic fashion offering. Currently only available in the U.S of A and the Canadian waters... however for the desperate fashionista's from world over.. you can get your hands on Mr Larkin online...

Too often do I see organic fashion offerings as having any fashion excitement at all!, generally the purpose is drab.. too pure and boring looking. But my fashion opinion has changed when I first investigated Mr Larkin. An exceptionally ORGANIC label indeed.
So tempted to push aside my other fashion temporarily becoming 'organically loving'.

Mr Larkin is in keeping with the fashion trends offered... however.... mellowing it down a couple of notches or two.. by simplifying the designs.. yet so symmetrically and asymmetrically compatible.xoxo.

There were a few eye sores... but not really worth mentioning at the moment.( you'll have to check it out on their webby to understand what I mean by eye sore!)

My critic thoughts are nodding in approval of this rare Mr Larkin. The unique presentation of story notes alongside the designs... introduces a very deep and personal relationship for the fashion offering and the fashionista.

I don't mind 'Elsa' she's looking delicately pure and vulnerable.. whimsically floating on cloud nine... is my first impression.

Knowing Madam Alexandra E...... although Elsa looks suitable for a more formal occasion.....I would relentlessly give in to wear it on a nice breezy summer evening out at a high dessert parlour............... I would probably throw in a millimeter belt around the hip line... pull it up to give it a bag effect... and then team it with an oh so pair luxe of dynamic flat sandals/ heels..... and yes... the foot form may just be in a brighter color palette also. Mwah xoxo.

My prediction???...... SOMEBODY IN THE SHORES OF OZ ( AUSTRALIA) PLEASE STOCK MR LARKIN..... bring Mr Larkin down under... because this is one stylish organic fashion yoga or meditation 100% organic kind of designs here!! thank goodness for that!!!xoxo.

Do your homework: (the webby is organically raw!!)

Style rating: Mr Larkin - Applaud ( Stylish effort)

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic