On a fashionable mission ...... : 'trade up the flip flops.. for the odd pair of Blahnik and Choo's... every once in awhile.. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase????


Announcing.. that ALEXANDER WANG is on the fashion red carpet!!!.. well in New York to be exact. Finally.. there is room for me to pay homage to this 'fashion maestro!'. His last collection for SS09...( technically he refers to it as purely Spring collection) yes, i refer to it as last.. because in the land of the U.S of A... they have already released their Fall collections.... boo hoo always fashionably ahead.

Anyway.. it is still befitting to our fashion palettes.. because Australia is in the sunny element season. So we can truly embrace and appreciate the offerings of Alexander Wang's SS09 collection. Unfortunately when it was first released.. the Australian fashion lovers could only really salivate at the creations in our warm overthrows.. in the midst of Winter.

Ladies... fashionista's.. please put aside your flip flops.. and sandals.. and anything that doesn't have a heel higher than the length of your arm.. ( over the top comparison)!... and bring out the heels!.. team them with the likes of Alexander Wang creations.

Just a few of his talents on showcase business jackets are back!!! double breasted suit jackets are back!!!.. but the colour palette is of course not to be bored with.... only wear it if you can bring creative fashion flare to it.

If you can't get your hands on a Alexander Wang creation.. then improvise darlings???.... bring out the trusty business jacket and add your personal 'style' to it.. brooch it.. embellish it... cut it.. roll it.. sew it... change the buttons on it... what ever.. just bring it out and about!
And you know what? if your hip pocket can't afford the likes of a A. Wang jacket.. then go to the vintage location and scrounge for one... ( babe.. vintage is in.. remember!)

Back to the Wang story. Absolutely drooling ( so unlike Madam A E. to be blubbering on and on..).. over the collection.

Sexy.. masculine femininity rolled into one! So street chic,... yet completely wearable even to a garden do???
I truly think I have died and gone to..... well..... gone to...... just some place of funk and beauty???.. if it makes sense.

Muster up the feminine attitude to march yourselves in this ensemble...fashionista's!

I, Madam Alexandra E. would most likely wear it with a bit of modesty... ( yes.. I am the demure, flamboyant, creatively lush identity of fashion). So most likely.. I would team up my Alexander Wang business suit with wide legged funnel staple shorts ( with length of just past the knee) with of course staple nude killer heels.. carting a vintage elongated swinging arm candy.. with the contents of my little red book somewhere amongst with my lippy's and things.

Vision it?????? yes.. style 'A la Madam Alexandra E'!. Mwah xoxo.

Style rating: Alexandra Wang SS09 collection BRAVO ( loving it, air kisses all around)

Do your homework please: http://www.alexanderwang.com/

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


To those of curious minds.. and to hush all the why's and what for's... this is it... this is the little red sacred Madam Alexandra E. bible.. ( APART FROM THE OTHER FASHION BIBLE I RELIGIOUSLY LIVE BY... VOGUE) filled with the brimming fashionable thoughts of my critic tongue.... and of course.. any other useful tidbits of fashionable knowledge to store away.

Sorry lovelies.. but this is as close as you'll ever get to viewing my bible. xoxo. ( not that handy with photography).

Particular fashionista's have asked moi.. Madam Alexandra E., what is that thing I carry around... guarded like a sacred ordered 'Alexander Wang' bag......, my little red book...., is a collective of all things fashionably worthwhile to be sung and heard about it...by Madam Alexandra E. for the fashion lovers world over!.

So.. fashion followers, lovers, fashionista's and the sorts.... if you see a certain someone poised with a red book.. then most likely you have come into the presence of Madam Alexandra E.

Constantly on the lookout for fashion findings... and of course.. consistently with an opinion to accompany. Mwah.

Consider yourself very lucky.. if you and your creations or any information... is to be found in the 'little red book' of Madam Alexandra E.! Very few...receive any such attention. xoxo.. Darling.. I do not waste my time, nor my pages on just anything and everything!!!!.

Just like that renowned #1 best seller book by Elizabeth Gilbert - Eat Pray Love???, Fashion is beautiful : Eat fashion, Pray fashion and of course Love fashion......... xoxo.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


Look what the busy Mr Jayson Brunsdon has been getting up to. All the way in the oriental shores of Singapore.. for the annual prestigious event.. 'Crystal Ball' ( September). So special are the fashion lovers of Singapore.. that Mr Jayson B. rolled out a special designed collection for this one off yearly event!!!! Wow... the people of Singapore must be something really special to Mr J.B... something very dear to his little heart.xoxo.

Apparently the theme was, 'cinematic femininity' oozing that 1930's era... and of course the twist of The great Gatsby times.........oooohhh lush.. I love.. I love this era. So romantically forlorn... ( ahhhhhh... peace at last).

My critic tongue.. says....The collection itself is not all that fantastic... some of the designs have all been there done that styles... but the colour palette would have to be absolutely de.....liiiiiishhhh!.

So fresh.. yet invitingly warm ( mmmmmmm, pour me a hot chocolate.. or whip me up a bowl of fresh cream.. to dip with lush berries..mmmmm). Completely echoing the era of the 1930's famous Vanity Fair do's.
Good to see the style is kept to date with the 'must have' staple shoe palette.. of nude pumps! Mwah... ladies please all invest in at least one pair to prance around in. xoxo.

Well congrats.. and smooches of air kisses towards My J.B.... for personally sitting high on a fashion pedestal in the shores of Singapore. Not much to say really... because this is not the actual collection for the season.. just a suprisingly befitting 'one off' creation!. Well received on my end Mr J.B!

Hmmmm I wonder if I can team up my Chanel arm candy with one of these???? ( I think so!). xo.

My little redbook.. writes: Jayson Brunsdon.. Singapore crystal ball collection - Where's the red lippy honey.. and a cigar??? ( um no... just for the theme, we must display a cigar).

Style rating: Jayson Brunsdon Singapore Crystal Ball collection - Bravo ( Loving it, air kissed all around)

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. Fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


Ahem... don't tell me I didn't say so! 'recycled/ vintage/ reworked/ rediscovered.. just re - this , re - that.. re - whatever.. is the IN THING!'. So big is it such that the much loved U of K ( UK ) conglomerate.. TOPSHOP has launched a new little concept label.. off the side but very much a part of Top shop. Introducing the birth of MY ONLY ONE!, an online sister/ brother arm of top shop... selling everything recycled!.

The fashion philosophy for My Only One is: Recycle - to find orphaned clothing and give it new life, Remake - emerging designers will recreate the garments into something new and different, and last but not least.. to Relove ( ohhhh mwah mwah xoxoxo)garments are transformed ready to be reloved again!.

I was trying to tell the Aussie fashionista's that this was going to be huge.. but alas only a few smart fashion lovers.. sat up and listened.. for some reason the Aussie blood still refers to the vintage concept as 'flea markets', ( cringe). Although we are slowly getting there... very slowly.. like a turtle slowly.

Can anyone imagine... wearing a cute little tube skirt birthed and reworked from your dad's sweat shirt???? too unworthy to envisage.. but this is exactly the new concept of My Only One.

So does this mean... if I cart over my jumpsuits, odd bits and pieces of fashion gearing.. then I can receive a whole new wardrobe?.. well technically... styles????. Maybe the local alterations lady.. can transform your little boardie shorts into that fab vest???.xoxox.

Could couture quite possibly catch onto the whole reworked and recycle concept??? other than the works of Mrs Press ( an Australian label dedicated to reworking fashion).

Maybe if I sing my fashion tunes loud enough.. Mr Daniel Alexander ( Couture King of the moment)... can create.. a magnificent.. vintage reworked or something couture gown???.. made from soccer socks, last years Balenciaga ( ooohhh nice), and throw in my mums nightie. What can you make from this Mr Alexander???

Recycled couture???? ummm not really in this lifetime anytime soon.. unless it was Chanel vintage reworked. xoxo.

Will this concept of online recycleing fashion work for My Only One???? - I declare.. yes!... of course it will!.. it's a concept breathing new life into 'fashion design'. This could mean an advantage point for boutique owners..... last seasons fashion flaring can be stored away and reworked into something for this season.. Mwah xoxo... this could just go on and on and on.

So does this mean... I melt down by stubby bits of Chanel lippy, Clinique lippy, E. Arden lippy.. to create a new recycled, reworked and reloved version of a new lippy titled 'Chaneliquearden'????? ( I think NOT!!!!).

Style rating: My Only One ( online recycled shop) - raising my eyebrow ( Benefit of the doubt)
Do your homework fashion lovers: http://www.myonlyone.co.uk/ coming soon... you'll just have to wait.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


I must not ignore this:

Gee whiz.... so much chitter chatter and talk about Mr Lagerfeld's... infamous comments!. For the past few weeks... that's all I.. Madam Alexandra E. has heard about... whilst at my pedicurist... whilst getting a facial... whilst having a massage... whilst just out and about!!... all that has been tittering on the edge of every fashion lovers tongue.. is the loud and proud thoughts of Mr Lagerfeld.

Coming from my fashion throne..... I believe Mr Lagerfeld should be permitted to air his fashionable opinions.. so be it that it may not be agreeable to the ears of 'anti - fashionistas'.

Point being?????? from one 'honest speaking fashion identity to another'... we rare species.. are purely put on this earth.. to transform the fashion industry. Boo hoo that we all had a cry and whinge over his remarks regarding larger forms do not belong on the catwalk.. because fashion runway shows is an illusion and fantasy. Mwah, Mwah Mr Lagerfeld!!! you go ahead and voice yourself loud and clear.

Nodding rapidly... yes, fashion is fantasy on the runway!. How many times must I.. Madam Alexandra E. declare with fashion flaring.. that.. when I am invited to attend collection showings or runway fanfares.. I expect to see the best performance ever from the designista and their stylista'. So yes.... fantasy is the reality on any and every runway show. xoxo.

Mr Lagerfeld is merely thinking out aloud the many thoughts of fashion lovers who hover over wine and cheese to discuss the best topics of the day! He is merely saying what others are too afraid to speak of!!! he is breaking away from the normality of things!!! which in any fashionable world is a must! Mwah xoxo.

So from my critic tongue to Mr Lagerfeld?????? Darling speak your mind as free as you wish we are all entitled to our own opinions! xoxo.

P.S. to the grumpy frumpy -'pro and anti fashion lovers and haters'????.. get over.. move on.. move forward. Must reapply my red lippy. xoxo.

Style rating: Karl Lagerfeld (furore) - Bravo ( Loving it, air kisses all around)

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


Whipping out my little red book... of fashion correspondent resplendour... ( yes... all my fashion critic tongues and thoughts are housed within this little red treasure book xoxo). I come across a pair of shoe loving designista's.. whom I had discovered way back in the when... ?.

Tom Gunn is the name.. Tom Gunn is the game!. ahh yes.. these two talented Brisbanite shoe loving junkies.. have created what you could call.. a more stable existence of designer shoes in the Australian waters.

Personally... perched high on my fashion throne........ hmmmmmm, me.. Madam Alexandra E. loves the name.. TOM GUNN!! sounds so sublimely strong.. and masculine..considering it adorns the feet of shoe loving feminities. Oooooohhh but Tom Gunn is just that.. masculinity encasing the delicate footing of every feminista ( female.. styling fashionista).

Hmmmm it's Italian lux leather scent.. engulfing every fanciful foot!. Delicious for the foot! xoxo.

Pedicure your feet ladies...and for those maleista's ( male styling fashionista's)... you can try it too.

Birthed from the creative minds of Gabrielle Thompson and Shannon Gunn ( hence Tom Gunn).... These two designista's have introduced their own styling shoe apparel for all fashionista's to enjoy.

I personally... feel from my fashion instinct.. that the current collection is somewhat slightly too matured??? .. I don't really envisage a younger stylista fashionsita particularly slapping these creatives on.

The paint palette is definately classy.. but once again.. reminds me very much of what I would wear at a resort type function.. instead of a very fashion climbing event????? ( you do understand what I mean???). xoxo.

Not quite yet Australia's very own Blahnik or Choo.... but definately similar to Nat sui?? but more modern than Nat sui??.

My critic tongue advised the two fashion flaring 'sole' sisters... to keep up the love of designing shoe.. ( which of course through sheer common sense.. they are doing)... but possibly break away from the safe classy resorty feeling?? The name Tom Gunn.. resembles strength.. I can so see.. 'out of this earth, over the top' designs'.... think about designing a collection for the Australian version of a 'Posh Spice' ( aka Mrs Victoria Beckham)... ( now we know how much this A - list celeb loves a shoe sky scraper).
Playing it too safe at the moment... bring out the 'daring' factor please.
I have yet to cross these two shoe closet lovers off my fashion list... as I still believe they are at the cusp of transforming shoe culture... very soon.......... but only if the 'design' permits. Mwah xoxo.
Do your homework fashionista's... check out: www.tomgunn.com
P.S. Don't be deterred creators of Tom Gunn... Madam Alexandra E. can see more potential.. tweak your next collection .. and you'll get there. Still somewhere on my fashion list xoxo.

Style rating: Applaud ( stylish effort) - 'I just want to see a little bit more of their creativeness.. outside of their comfort zone'.
Love me or hate me
Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


Just too good... to not pen my critic tongue on. So recently around the globe trotting world and onto the U.S of A..... we see a certain trash fash fashion queen... draped in 'something' with a little 'human like girl' attached to it.... Yes,.. I am referring to the little girl dubbed 'train' holder for Ms Anderson.

So much 'aghast and sighs' over the little mini fashion assistant.. that we all kind of overlooked the real 'meat' of this story?????? THE ACTUAL DRESS!!!!

I'm about to faint... can someone please awaken me with a bit of Clinique spritz?????. Can someone please tell me what id that???... and why is it barely held up by safety pins? .

The big 'fashion press/ PR' error in this situation.. is that many have failed to identify the designer of the dress?.. who is it? I'm sure if someone declared it as Jean Paul Gaultier or a re - worked vintage Chanel... then we would all be bowing down to our toes in elation as opposed to bowing down in irritation.

The dress only looks bad.. because it's worn incorrectly.. I'm sure if we put a Miss Miranda Kerr or a Miss Catherine McNeil or a Miss Gemma Ward or better yet a queen like Mrs Heidi Klum in it.. then we would dare not breath a word of fashion error about the thing. That's correct fashion lovelies.... you either can carry it off.. or not.

P.S. is it just me.. or does the little mini fashion assistant look quite 'quirky' styliiiiiiiiiiishhhhhh!. an emerging Tavi Gevinson I presume... ( Tavi Gevinson is the little 13 year old stylista.. taking the NewYork fashion world by storm.. back track to my previous entries please.. I dedicated a spot for this stylista.). Don't put too much opinion on the little assistant.. for all we know.. she could have begged to be the one granted to hold the dress up!!...kind of like.. very eager to get her little foot in the fashion door??? we all have to start somewhere... I'm sure other stylista's would have died to have that five minutes of styling fame...... ( although I would prefer not!!!). Mwah xoxo.

Style rating: Pamela Anderson drapery curtain like dress.. and little girl assistant - Crossing my arms ( what the? and why?).

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E.

fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


Ladies and gentlemen please stand up..... as 'Janel Molton' enters our fashion closets!.( yes the above is an image of Janel.) Yes.. yes.. yes.. yes... a new 'stylista' has been born,....... born actually this year( referring to her vintage concept). Like all other fashionista lovers.. Janel Molton has hopped on the fashion band wagon of making 'vintage' 'tres chic'.

The owner and creator of Relicny.com "a new vintage boutique".. (is the trademark quote). Apparently Janel Molton has opened up her love of 'affordable high end fashion treasures' to fashion lovers of the like. On a mission to make the old become fashionably new.

Pardon me while I take a pause...........and swap over the contents from my Wayne Cooper bag ( yes.. the Wayne cooper.. has designed some eye catching arm candy.. which I'm putting through some trial and error) into my Alphabet baguette. Hmmmmmmm vintage????? hmmmmm vintage???.. I'm only beginning to welcome this new 'supposed' fashion craze... not because I don't relish in the thought of wearing 'second hands.. or garage sale items'.. but because..... vintage to me..has to be very specific.

Don't just take me to a yard sale and declare the fashion contents as vintage!.. and don't pass off numerouse second hand goods as vintage either!. Vintage in Madam Alexandra E's terms.. means.......'delicate... either reworked.. revived or born again high end vintage'. I'm sorry fashion lovers.. but purchasing something from your local cheapy chain store... does not count as vintage.... 20 years later..... too cras for my liking. xoxo.

Anyway... back to the purpose of today, Relicny.com. Relic sells 'high end' vintage apparel... whether you find a Bottega Veneta ensemble or a Christian Lacroix brooch... if you think it's fashion.. then it'll most likely be found on relicny.com

Madam Alexandra E. was under the impression that the product of relicny.com would be somewhat 'classy vintage'... ( the webby.. is very stylish and has impact indeed). Upon closer inspection..the fashion truth began to rear its head.

Cleverly categorised by style or designer..... but lacking fashionably.. would have to be the styling of each 'vintage garment'... mis matched headless modelled bodies.... no real flare at all.

In my loud opinion... it would take much more to persuade me to purchase vintage online!. I would need to see it displayed as if I were purchasing it in it's original form.. or else make it look desirable?????.

Other than the styling display works.. I would say that a 'desperate vintage fashionista' would most likely find her beloved 'something' within relicny.com . Not too sure about the vintage foot wear.. ( fashionably gross).

These are some of my favourite fashion picks.. items which I could possibly envisage as being a 'worthy classy vintage purchase???' at relicny.com ( although Madam Alexandra E. would add more stylish flare to the purchase.... ).

Gone are the days of just buying originals... all of sudden.. it has become fashionably uplifting to wear 'vintage'. Rebirthing the old to look like the new... something along those lines.

Well fashionista's all I can say, is I love the original idea of Janel Molton.. if she can make 'vintage' fashionable in NYC (New York City).. then it won't be too long.. for an Aussie fashionista / stylista to replicate this 'vintage' idea. Mwah xoxo. I have a tickling feeling that Janel Molton is onto something very BIG... very big in this fashion climate!. xo.

All of a sudden I feel a mini head ache coming on..... hmmmm must be the smell of 'vintage in the air'. Please pass me the Chanel No. 5 ( to muff out the vintage odour).... It belongs' to my grandmother.. the colour is now quite 'offish'... but can I still use it??? because it should now be classified as 'Vintage????'. xoxo.

Do your homework fashionista's.... take a peak at http://www.relicny.com/

P.S. Through my Madam Alexandra E looking glass... I can predict.. the next big fashion must do.. is 'vintage runway shows.. reworked stylish vintage'...... but puhhhhhleeeasse do not include vintage foot wear... as much as I love my Blahniks and Choos' and so forth... I believe it to be rather foul in fashion taste to slip into the footwear of others...... too cras.... xoxo.

Style rating: relicny.com - Applaud ( stylish effort) very interesting... but.. needs to classy it up a bit.

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E. fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


Who is the other Madam in the house??????... please stand up!. I'm talking about Madame Mooi.... the much fantasized about 'it' bag label that appears to be swinging off many fashionista's arms. But why???, I don't really see the big 'capow' factor in it.. except yes, it may look different from your regular Chloe and such.. because I wouldn't call Madame Mooi LUXURY.

The creative brain of Madame Mooi comes from a certain lass named Sally Halse. Such a talented little thing is she. For she has managed to create a following of 'hoo ha' over her label.

There is definately fashion flare in her designs.... although I always say that accessories are so fickle.. unless you are a 'centuries' old household name,... then it is generally very rare for any 'bag designista' to put their fashion hands forward. So 'my my' wasn't I slightly impressed when polite whispers were spoken about this oh so luxed after label.... M a d a m e M o o i. xo.
Although I love the 'supposedly' creative uniqueness of this label... I'm not sure whether I can really be swayed as a fan. More so a 'fad'.

Snuffed and buffed... I don't really understand what all the big 'hoo ha' is all about... regarding this label. Although the name itself is very 'demanding'.. the arm candy offerings... I would say don't necessarily fit quite high in my 'must have' list.

Sorry Halse.... but I just don't see what all the fuss is about????. There are probably tonnes of other wannabe Madame Mooi's.... but for some reason.. your Madam Mooi screamed a little bit louder.

Although my critic tongue doesn't praise this as highly as those would like me to... I can however state.. that I do like the 'consistent' change of styles within the Madame Mooi range. If I was to dress up and make my way to a fancy dress 60's do... then one of Madame Mooi's ecclectic designs just might be suffice!.. But let's just make it clear that I don't think I would be swapping over my Marcs for a Madame Mooi permanently anytime soon! ( maybe for a temporary fashion moment.. but that's it).

Yes... the other Madam... Madam Alexandra E. personally finds it very boring... ( yawn ). I probably would swing a Madame Mooi on my arm.. for like half a day or so... but then I don't think the value or purpose of it will last much longer than that. xoxo.

My prediction for Madame Mooi???? although she is creating a fashion stirring....I don't really envisage a long existence...... Like I said... Madame Mooi is more like a 'fad' as opposed to a long standing 'style'. Now excuse me whilst I return to my fruitty tuitty organic mask... mwah xo.

P.S. Maybe Sally Halse is already predicting it's short existence... as there appears to be no 'webby' ( website) in sight!

Style rating: Madame Mooi - Yawning... ( I am utterly bored)

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


The hills are alive with the sound of .................... ahem... correction, 'the mountains are alive with the sounds of KORA' lala la la la. Yes ladies and gentlemens of this earth... close your eyes.. smell the freshness....suck in the calmness.. compose yourself and be ready and open to the embrace of 'organic openings'.

Mmmmm sounds very much like a Madam Alexnadre E. meditation chant of her own...except mine would most likely consist of...." all fashionista's... embrace your Gucci's, Hermes, Chloe's, take a breath and smell the Burberry accents...and Arden eau de toilette's... and of course chant a merrily humming to the glee full feeling of slipping your toes into a delectable Manolo Blahnik creation.... and then ultimately you would have drifted off into a fashion calmness.... Mwah xoxo.

Back to reality. When I first heard whispers of our beloved Miranda Kerr ( beloved in the sense of we love her to death... just so real.............), slipping her fashion flare into something that had nothing to do with negligee and nighties of such... I thought with warm fuzzy glee.........wow, finally Miss Kerr is given the right to walk the path of her true passion. ( the kind of passion where we all know.. we do something we love.. but then of course we have other paths where we do something we TRULY Dooley love mwah. xo.

And so with my heart fluttering with anticipation..when the first murmurs of the name KORA circulated as the 'name' behind the new project.....I was instantly transported to a feeling of 'free falling'... ah yes.. the corny bits starts here. Smart little cookie is she.. the name KORA already has a suggestive sense of calmness....coolness and a whole lot less of all that 'buzz and happening's'.

My critic tongue says that although it is not of its first concept to introduce Australia to organic.... but it is definately the first to name itself Kora and of course have Australia's most loved child ( yes Miss Kerr) fronting the face of Kora.. and the notion that Ms Kerr is worth much more than just sashaying herself down a runway.. shows us that yes fashionista's even the most beautiful faces in the world.. have brains and ambitions beyond the catwalks ( Oh, and must not forget to shout out.. only offering at David Jones Australia.. .. yes.. that's a clever little concept of keeping it genuinely exclusive.....)

I'm completely in love with the notion that Miss Kerr has associated herself with wanting everybody to lather themselves up with lotions and potions of 100% organic offerings. Too often do we see our famous breeds of faces collaborating in this department... merely just as the fronting face of the product... but a little birdie tells me... through sheer intuition, that Miss Kerr did not just offer her face with this little project.... but also her voice.. yes input is very important!

Will the product work???? I don't know.. as I haven't tried it... but I assume on good fashion knowledge and authority that it probably will work... because who wouldn't believe the offerings and ideas of Miss Miranda Kerr? xo. She simply just looks down to earth.. without even uttering a word, similar to that.. of 'what you see is what you get'. Will the concept work?????? YES YES YES YES... and I thought that aloud all in one 'mental breath' phew.. breeeeeeaaaaath now.

The concept of 100% organic skin care is deliciously refreshing!..........too often have we seen the births of other organic concepts.............but never have we felt this 're - freshed'... there is truly something unique about this lotion offering..........a serenity of pureness in the name itself. Hmmmm already I have an urge to roll out my meditation mat and Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllll.

Very appealing indeed... and for all those voices who are concentrating more on the flesh bare advertisement as opposed to the actual KORA concept??????????? where is your fashion dignity???? xo. My interpretation?: I believe it portrays from Miss Kerr 'this is me.. this is real'. ( hahahahah poetic such is I, Madam Alexandra E.) x.

Style rating: Miranda Kerr ( KORA) - Bravo ( loving it, air kisses all around.. give me more darling).

P.S. Love the ad disclaimer: '100% positive skincare'... does this mean.. when I lather myself with Kora.. all my ill thoughts will be banished?? and I will face the day and earth with absolute strength and might and eliminate my skepticism's???? .. of course not.. but quite possibly I will just feel down right at peace.

P.P.S. My fashion critic tongue advice to Miss Kerr?????...............when time permits, please introduce the KORA concept to the Parisian fashionista's.... little fashion birdies have tweetered into my ear.. that Paris would welcome this with open arms and of course their Chanel bags:) xo.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


Please pour me a moet and slip on my Peter Alexander comfies... I think I've drifted off to an era of absolute eery Parisian decadence... I would so be seated on my throne in this Gail Sorronda ensemble xoxo.

Take me on a fashion finding experience indeed!. With absolute fashionable glee... very rarely does one come across something that is just bursting with extreme fashion flaring talent. And yes.. ladies and gentlemen of the fashionista world... stand up once again for the cusping talents of Gail Reid.. of the label 'GAIL SORRONDA'.

Standing ovation for her latest designing hands in the ss 09/10 collection. So in awe was I with this collection... I simply was bursting with unparrallel excitement!... similar to that of a fashionista receiving her much anticipated Chanel arm candy.... mmmmmm yes.. waited too long..... far too long.

My roving fashion eye has followed this pretty little talent... ever since her conception into the 'fashion world'. Whilst it is true to say that once a upon a time.. she was bowling Brisbanites all over with her awards and accolades... but in one slight 'puff' she had disappeared from our shores... and hence placed her well rounded talent in the shores of Parisian flare.. ( yes Gail Reid.. is bopping about in the eiffel tower precinct).

Her signature use of black and white colour palettes.... is completely boring.. but yet absolutely mesmorising once you are given the delightful taste of one of her creations. This season.. would have to display Gail Reid in a top honour of 'theatrical design'. Each creation reflected a by gone era of decadence... come theatre... come showreel... come all things eery yet blood thirstingly brilliant xoxo.

Her designs are truly an epitome of feminitiy in a very dark , raw and rare element. Oh I must take a seat.. before fainting from sheer excitement. The feeling is absolutely engaging... this designista is clearly in a creative element of her own.. years ahead of her fellow designistas'. Nothing that other colleagues have not yet predicted.

Her talent lies not only within her creations... but also the innate and impeccable ability to portray a vision that tells a story. How many times must thy fashion critic queen declare in lung and tone..... 'your creation should reflect not just inspiration from something..or somewhere... but it must also tell a story of it's own..' ( sorry.. just felt like being a teacher of some sort..and share my words of so called wisdom... xo).

I look into my famous crystal ball... and predict that this little designista.. although distantly ashore.... will climb very high up the fashion rung. In fact... it would be delightfully refreshing to see a slight burst of colour in her creations??? maybe give us a stunning 'ruby red... or violet' creation... just one.. amongst your signature black and white creations????

Mwah.. for her delicate attention to detail indeed xoxo. Too often do I bare witness to emerging designers who settle for less.. they think it is suffice to drape their creations on ill looking or ill fitting canvas's......It is more that just slapping your creation on any Tom, Dick, Jane or Jenny.

Darlings... its all about the styling element and the attention paid to absolutely everthing. E.g. if you have created a stunning garment dress.. then through the design and the image modelled.. I want to be able to see and feel... where I can wear it.. how I can wear it... and with what I can wear it with.....

My critic tongue is full of praise and accolade for Ms Gail Reid..... impressed with her silent creations, and without much media frenzy anymore... she still manages to stir the fashion pot!. Just a slight pause........................................................although I'm not sure whether many of your pieces are wearable...????, but it doesn' t really matter.. because true appreciators of fashion if they were clever... would step out and invest in one of your creations.... don't neccessarily have to wear it.. just delightfully breathtaking to look at.

Particular voices have noted Ms Reid to be amongst the top 100 emerging talents..... please correct this.... Ms Reid has already emerged in her own light!.

Ms Reid.. dear I love your current artistic flare.....so 'theatrically artsy' and 'morbidly disturbing'.. in a grandiose sense. You just might be able to swim better in the 'couture' pool ( hint.. hint.. try your hand at grand couture design).

Raising a glass of Moet to you darling... Mwah Au Revoir.. Bon jour.. Merci... all the hello's and goodbyes and thankyou's of accolades I can offer.

Style rating: Gail Sorronda ss 09/10 collection - Bravo ( loving it, air kisses all around, give me more darling).

Gail Reid - Standing ovation ( A designista.... with hidden talent and a whole lot of much more).

http://www.gailsorronda.com/ ( Have a taste of the design offerings)

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


My oh my.... the last few days has been a complete media war of words against the design giant Ralph Lauren.. and their supposedly 'photo shopped, over altered... over dramatised' latest fashion shoot campaign of model Filipa Hamilton. ( OK in one breath... now I can breath.).

It was very amusing indeed to listen and read the bantering of back and forth opinions over this latest photo shopping scandal.. oohhh how society and dramatic fashion lovers love a little scandal.xoxo ( similar to that of a fashion soap opera...).

As always.. the fashion critic queen will not put forth her critic tongue until after the 'fuss and pomp' has been dealt with. So after a few Chinks of the champers.... my critic tongue has this to say:...

What exactly is all the back lash and fuss really all about??? are we kicking up a stink over the model and the extremely thin waist and legs????? or are we whingeing and wining about 'photo shopping' going to0 far??? or is it that we just want to pick on Ralph Lauren????.. Probably all of the above.

Personally swearing upon my Estee Lauder Mascara Wand ( yes... I luv it to death...), I would not say I am a passionate supporter of photo shopping... but definately I do not oppose of it. Nor do I favour the whole debate of using the whole 'healthy/ natural full bodied, larger than life' models on fashion runways and showcases.

Yes fashionista's.. you heard me!... I stand true and correct in saying... I don't really think the whole 'natural full bodied' concept will work whole heartedly. I am not ostracising against the natural beauty of these women.. but honestly.. when I think of fashion showcasing/ shows and launches.. I picture something out of the ordinary.. almost like a muse like fantasy... I want to see muse like models sashaying down runways... because after all they are the canvas to the artwork.

The whole debate of utilising the natural full bodied canvas.. doesn't sit entirely well with me. If this was the case.. then I may as well pull out any Jane, Kate and Sarah off the streets and stage a showcasing of my own in my back yard.. that's how plain Jane the concept would be. ( But do not make the assumption that I do not agree with sending out the correct message for the tweens to have good role models). We just have to learn how to seperate fact from fiction.. fantasy from reality.. commonsense from stupidity!

Before I receive any back lashing or back tongue comments on my belief... let me just tip toe on my Gary Castles and declare at the top of my lungs...." I am not launching a hate campaign'... I am merely voicing my critic tongue. Enough with the whole back and forth debate about placing full lush bodied natural beauty things on the runway...... I'm sorry.. but I personally like what I already see on the catwalk! Admit it, most savvy fashionista's want all the fanfare.... and glamorous looks anyway.

Why are models called models????? I'll tell you why, it's because they do not necessarily look like the rest. They are suppose to have a seperate identity from the norm ( in the looks and beauty department), or how else can they display the fashion artwork in fine and interesting form?. ( Moi is not saying banish all full bodied natural model shows... am just merely stating that it will take a very long time for the fash pack to revolve to this stage..).

This does not say that no one else is ready an able to sashay down their own living room in what Catherine McNeil or Miranda Kerr has just worn.... To me it, it just says .. 'hey look Catherine McNeil wears it like this... and Miranda Kerr wears it like that... but most importantly of all, I... can wear it like this!' ( It's called fashion confidence darling... having it is beautiful indeed!!!).

Excuse me while I take a breather...( hmmm a spritz of organic spray). Back to the original topic.. ( apologies for the slight side tracking). I personally do find the image of Filipa Hamilton too 'touched' up.. and yes the 'photo shopper... assistant probably had his/ her finger on the 'make the waist smaller' button, on for longer than 20 seconds.

Everybody... please just take a second to think.... this is all great publicity for the designer label house giant RL.. and of course for the muse model. And yes.. I myself will be adding that few cents worth of publicity for them through this critic tongue segment.

Just chill people's...... the image is done.. has been leaked.. we've all had our five cents worth of a mouthful. So let's move on... and stop fighting for the right to cease airbrushing or photo shopping. I personally believe in 'light touch ups or corrections'... but of course not 'body distortion'.

P.S. My fashion disclaimer: My fashion critic tongue is not against full bodied canvas individuals.. nor am I claiming to be 'for' the 'stick thin canvas'.... my happy medium is..... to keep what we have already on the runway.. no more changes please.. I'm quite content with the McNeils, Kerrs and Wards...... mwah.

Style rating: Photo shopping on the Ralph Lauren campaign - Standing up to leave.( I'm bored) can we talk about something else?

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


My critic tongue penned on the JEAN BROWN GROUP..... Monday. xoxo. The so called Brisbane Queen of Luxury retailing - AMBER LONG.

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


What is this?...........what is it?........... please explain the reasoning behind this.... ????. My fashion appetite was completely off balance after it savoured a tasting of a 'Lohan' creation! Put aside all views and personal thoughts one may have of the infamous Ms Lindsay Lohan... because this is after all 'fashion!'. It is apparently and abundantly in full fashion focus clear... that the L. Lohan fashionista and designista hands.. are not ultimately destined to be.
What on earth was she thinking? or her collaborator ( head designer of Emmanual Ungaro label: Estrella Archs thinking???. The designs resonated that of as if 'the blind, was leading the blind'... 'dancing with two left feet'?.
The shiny sequin love heart additions, just not raising my fashion paddle stick... I wouldn't be the first to sport one of those!............... But hey .... one may never know... Lady Ga Ga might just incorporate the L.Lohan designs in her famous leotard collaborations... and before you know it... we'll all be marching down the street in L.Lohan sequined love heart coats teamed with Lady Ga Ga 'down their' wears....... NOT! NOT! xo.

Style rating: Lindsay Lohan fashion debut S/S 2010 Emmanuel Ungaro collaboration - Standing up to leave.

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


My fashion critic tongue paid a visit to a so called "new fashion concept" located in the burby suburb of Chandler..... to the many fashionista's in existence, such a location is not really heard of..... but hopefully soon... with a bit of murmur and gossip... this little 'fashion concept... might generate a fashion following of its own.

Over premium lattes ( bar, one decaf latte), and cavier topped ribbon sandwiches... my fashionista girlfriends and myself.... summed up our fashionable thoughts on this 'so called, new fashion concept'.

To phrase it in one sentence with creative flare and a spritz of pomp and parfume.......... "It is not exactly what I would call a fashion lovers paradise..... more so.. a 'wish wash' of 'fashiony things'". Nothing too exciting... but nothing that drab or glab and fab either!.

My fashion taste buds were hardly tickled......... not really impressed with the 'Hard sell' attitude, many of the stall holders threw onto passers by..... ( all trying to make a fashion penny, I guess...?). The so hailed Fashion markets.. was very clearly in it's 'teething stage'... very 'fashion virgin' like... a bit too new... still yet to find their 'fashion footing'.

(A fashionista scoping what was on offer at the Fashion markets... Darling.. loving the crochet knit ensemble.. and the pinch of blood red!!!!! xoxo.)

The experience was definately not comparable to the real expectations of a 'fashion market experience'. Maybe because marketing side of things was too confusing?.........The brochure, flyers posters shout out: 'sell fashion, buy fashion, swap fashion'??????. Why not just sell it as is 'fashion' @ the 'fashion markets'... common sense already tells us that we'll expect to buy, and stall holders will sell.. and as for swapping??? hmmm too cras for my liking xoxo.

Not quite sure how it would pan out for fellow fashionista's to be sporting their jimmy choo and Chloe arm candy bags.. and then swinging a "swap" bag filled with clothes that are unwanted to just barter with stall holders????????? uh uh uh... too 'un - fashionably - un-trendy'. Although a fashion swap night sounds much fresher!.. copying the 'swap my style' concept from Sydney and Melbourne.. I guess?....

For the vintage fashion lover.... definately a fashion destination to stop by..... but if you're looking for unique pieces of fashionable 'fashion pieces???", not quite sure you'll find that... just yet... maybe the organisers are finding it difficult to weed out the 'funky, trend alert.. fashionista, designista individuals..?'

Through my peepers,... there were far too many 'second hand' type treasures on offer... the odd imitation arm candies, and of course..the artsy craftsy stuff... ( bag hook holders etc..)

Not exactly a London 'Portobello' fashion destination experience... more like a 'nice day out' under a 'greenhouse' sheltering effect... ( yes, way too hot for thy liking... my lacquer may have well melted from their canvas!)

Maybe thy expectations are just too fashionably in good taste....., but I believe it wasn't an experience that I would rush too quickly to saviour again. May the fashion critic queen suggest... to the little offspring Hawkins organisers... that, the name is fab .... the marketing look? trendy come fashionable.. but the stalls.. just not living up to it.... find more upbeat young designers...... leave the 'nanny knitters, and artsy craftsy ones at home'.

The event has true potential....maybe.... just maybe in a few months... there will be a fashionable turnaround! mwah xo. One of the stall holders even had the unearthly confidence to tell me, that she was going to bring in her 'nutrimetics' products to sell at her 'bag, come secondhand clothing stall!!!!... (ooopss sorry meant to say.. boutique) xo. But honey, unless you're selling 'Napoleon...' then I don't think Nutrimetics will drive the fashion forces in droves............sorry, just stating it as it is.

PS. The fash. queen was mislead with the belief I would be embracing the presence of up to 'around 70 boutiques' ( as stated on the marketing flyer)... but alas.. unless I am unable to count.. (which is highly unlikely seeing as thought I can tell you exactly how many delicious shoes I have).. my recollection.. that there was only approx 20 STALLS... ( I would not refer to them as boutiques.. sorry lovies.. but trestle tables with clothes over them and a few sturdy change rooms can not be classified as "boutiques".... besides.. nothing wrong with saying stall holders.... ( probably doesn't sound too fashionable.. I guess..?).

P.P.S.... I think the young Hawkins offspring should scout for a Fashion marketing team to help them move this concept along...........kind of like walking stylishly on a catwalk.. meow xoxo. And to all trendo, trendy designista's... Fashion Markets @ Hawkins could well be the next big physical fashion weekend destination....... if you designista's... support it of course!..

Style rating: Fashion markets @ Hawkins - Applaud ( Stylish effort)

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen

NEW FASHION CONCEPT!.... Oooooh Exciting...

Putting on my foot fancy wears........to make my way to a much talked about new 'fashion' concept in Brisbane, Australia. The little fashion birdie sings the tune.... "Fashion markets@Hawkins".............. the fashion critic queen shall be scouting her merrily way to this event....to pend a fashion tongue! xo.

Do your homework first fashionista's... www.fashionmarkets.com.au ( fashion markets @ hawkins).

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen


The fashion critic spotted a stale piece of fashion statement today........ Why on earth... are fashionista's and stylista's still embracing the 'footless legging with lace trimming' effect????

Mwah, Mwah if I'm correct, this look has obviously surpassed it's 'used by date' by some fashionista's who obviously.... become too attached to one thing!.... let go of the leggings.... for now.
To make the pretty little picture more unbearable... the so called stylista was sporting flip flops.. 'thongs'.. ..............hmmm... oh so classy is the outcome. NOT!

Definately not 'nit picking' on poor fashionista souls... but merely putting forth my fashion tongue lashing..... to help our 'fashionista' individuals... move up and beyond fashion seas... blah blah blah..xoxo. No but seriously... tuck the lace footless leggings away for this season... save it for maybe next year..........the cycle will most likely come back.

P.S. Don't give fashion critic queen the excuse that 'the vintage' style is in... leggings were only fashionable a few season's ago... so 'you' can't pass it off as 'vintage' YET!

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen